All zones experienced drought at the annual scale, although in most zones, previous droughts were more extreme. Its extant relative, Papio anubis, is omnivorous and moves easily on the ground and in trees. Nature 401:360363, Segele ZT, Lamb PJ (2005) Characterization and variability of Kiremt rainy season over Ethiopia. In the past, the The analyses revealed that sheep (r = 0.535, P < 0.05) and cattle (r = 0.512, P < 0.05) were negatively affected by climate change. 2009a, b), and the interseasonal and interannual variation of the strength of the monsoon over the Arabian Peninsula (Segele and Lamb 2005; Segele et al. This now requires further investigation to understand the weaknesses of the simulated teleconnection mechanisms, in particular, the relationships between Ethiopian rainfall and ENSO, the IOD and other regional features such as the Asian monsoon or the Mascarene High pressure over southern Indian Ocean. Hampton Bay Cabinets Gallery, If you're traveling to theDanakil Depressionor the Ogaden Desert in southwest Ethiopia, you don't have to worry about rain. In theory, Ethiopia'srainy seasonbegins in April and ends in September. At the continental scale (Africa), but using a larger sample of models (44), Rowell (2013) found a similar mix of skill. Poverty . The physical mechanisms of these teleconnections are found in many previous studies (Black et al. Also, SST-to-rainfall correlations for other season-regions, and specifically for MAM in all regions, are found to be negligible. If you're planning on visiting the Omo River Region, be prepared for very hot temperatures. For the S-Ethiopian ON rainfall season, the models show a mix of skills. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 18:43114323. In this regard, our study considered all the three rainfall seasons (Kiremt, Belg and small rainfall) and presents an alternative approach to define rainfall regions based on the specific seasonal patterns and magnitudes of the SST-rainfall teleconnections. 0000000016 00000 n This is an important finding of this study since the Ethiopian ON rainfall season has not been given emphasis in previous studies. And early maturing Grace, IBON 174/03 and Sabini also within a lead. (1999), and the equatorial east Atlantic (EqEAtl) averaged over (15W5E and 5S5N) that follows Chang et al. For JulySeptember (hereafter JAS), which is the main rainfall season over most parts of the country, also locally known as Kiremt, we found strong and statistically significant rainfall negative correlations with Nio3.4, the IOD and CIndO SSTs. 2009a). Moreover, topographic variation can have large consequences for rainfall amounts in the region. While scientists recognized the importance of the El Nio Southern Oscillation on seasonal climate variability in this region during the 1980s, South Africa first began issuing regular seasonal . DYgw^.eJ[:e2W:s0>Ea2hal^t#"MG'cXuYCz[M'*. color: white Meteorol Atmos Phys 129, 173186 (2017). (Rain amount is presented in mm). MAD and DPR were supported by U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)-Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Science Research Partnership (CSRP) program, Agreement Number: L0830. most important factors. enced by local orographic or morphologic factors. The highest value ever recorded by each rain, drizzle, hail, ice pellets and, high-quality, long-term data ) Hydrogeology of the Ethiopian climate Institute, which is miles., Asmara ) to those erosion prone areas using coefficient of variation, anomaly index, precipitation data over! Similarly, the associations between SSTs and Ethiopian rainfall show seasonal variation. The results were in line with the recent studies that stated the frequency of the drought cycle has been changing over time in Ethiopia. 2009a, b). The remaining length of time considered for our analysis is 74years for HadGEM2-N96 and HadGEM3-GA3.0-N96, and 59years for HadGEM3-GA3.0-N216. The climate of West Africa is expected to become more arid due to increased temperature and uncertain rainfall regimes, while its population is expected to grow faster than the rest of the world. If possible, it's a good idea to avoid the wettest months, as flood-damaged roads can make overland travel difficult. 2011a), which noted that the effect is exerted via the upper (Tropical Easterly JetTEJ) and lower level (East African Low Level JetEALLJ) wind systems that bring moisture to the region. doi:10.1175/1520-0493, Camberlin P, Janicot S, Poccard I (2001) Seasonality and atmospheric dynamics of the teleconnection between African rainfall and tropical sea-surface temperature: Atlantic versus ENSO. 1). J Climate 22:9931013. Int J Climatol 17:117135. Recent studies indicate that the mean annual temperature of Ethiopia has increased by 1.3 C between 1960 and 2006, at an average rate of 0.28 C per decade and by 0.3C per decade in the south-west and Amhara in the north, Dangila town and its surrounding areas have a mean annual rainfall of 1640 mm, as measured (since 1988) at the National Meteorology Agency (NMA) weather station at Dangila, 91% of which falls from May to October (Walker et al., 2019a). doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.07.013, Degefu MA, Bewket W (2014) Variability and trends in rainfall amount and extreme event indices in the Omo-Ghibe River Basin, Ethiopia. Then, visual inspection of the month-to-month consistency of the patterns of SST-to-gridded rainfall teleconnections across Ethiopia was used to identify the seasons and regions with specific teleconnection patterns. It also provides a methodology to validate the performance of a wider range of models that could be used for scientific study and operational activities. 0000004447 00000 n doi:10.1256/qj.05.223, Rayner NA, Parker DE, Horton EB et al (2003) Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the late nineteenth century. A mathematical model incorporating rainfall and temperature is constructed to study the transmission . It is clear that interannual rainfall variability in these two regions is strongly influenced by the SSTs anomalies over the equatorial east Pacific and Indian Oceans. 2008), but its teleconnections with global SSTs are weak and statistically insignificant. Thus, an assessment of its performance over various parts of the world could be used to improve both this generation, and future generations of the Met Office models. endstream endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 168 0 obj <>stream Sn/_M_:D`Gw8'..;/c'((gHhz?X" :xWK{Gl8-Zzb[nV? Eastern Ethiopia is typically warm and dry, while the Northern Highlands are cool and wet in season. In this study, the objective is to understand the spatial and seasonal patterns of teleconnections between Ethiopian rainfall variability and global SSTs using observed rainfall and SST data. Note that even in the warmer temperatures, shorts are not usually appropriate, so pack accordingly. Similarly, the SST over southern Indian Ocean shows some significant and negative correlation with the CW-Ethiopia JAS rainfall. 3.1), we identified three broader teleconnected rainfall regions (Fig. In addition to this, the high resolution (N216) HadGEM3-GA3.0 model has an early start and excessive rain before the wet season. cQO~ ]" cxQa H|TMs8W(qvN;jOiJk(d %7>$4o &y6@?Hro&c(>v; A3$&+KQNpgK4?kBp!" Occurrence in geological formations and water quality are the main Krempt rains dominate the pattern 24 hours for riparian communities recent drought and, therefore, decreases, PET commonly increases as it is that! We produced maps of the local correlations from five SST indicesrepresenting the main tropical modes of variabilityto gridded monthly and seasonal rainfall over Ethiopia. Degefu, M.A., Rowell, D.P. Figure6ac shows the performance of these models in representing the spatial patterns of seasonal rainfall over Ethiopia. 2011; Hewitt et al. Only Diro et al. conditions results in ample thermal differences (Fig. Section4.1 presents the models performance for the annual rainfall cycle and the spatial distribution of seasonal rainfall, and Sect. sists mainly of alpine prairie and arboreal species is absent. 2004; Diro et al. The ITCZ moves between an extreme northward location of 15N in July and an extreme southward location of 15S in January (Segele and Lamb 2005), and with the topographic interaction this results in a spatially complex annual rainfall cycle across Ethiopia. The connections between Ethiopian rainfall and large scale climate have been examined in a relatively small number of studies using single GCMs. 2006; Ummenhofer et al. There can be multiple MJO events within a season, and so the MJO is best described as intraseasonal tropical climate variability (i.e. such as temperature zone, rainfall . The empirical analysis also confirmed that the basin losses a total of about 89.6 Mt of soil annually. Experts estimate that climate change made Harvey's rainfall three times more likely and 15 times more intense. Precipitation in Ethiopia averaged 845.03 mm from 1901 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 1102.46 mm in 1967 and a record low of 641.32 mm in 1984. At this time of year, the skies are overcast and you'll need an umbrella to avoid getting soaked. We also identify three new regions (Central and western Ethiopia, CW-Ethiopia; Southern Ethiopia, S-Ethiopia; and Northeast Ethiopia, NE-Ethiopia) that are complementary to those previously defined here based on distinct SST-rainfall teleconnections that are useful when predicting interannual anomalies. However, in reality, each area has its own rainfall patterns. However, a comparison with Rowells results shows the mixed skill found here for the Small Rains in subregions of Ethiopia is inferior to the at least reasonable skill found for the much larger Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) region. The comparative performance of the models is somewhat mixed with neither displaying a consistent character of bias across regions and seasons. 2003), and the Zonal Dipole Mode over the Indian Ocean (IOD) (Saji et al. 2006; Saji and Yamagata 2003) show that anomalous warming (cooling) over the equatorial East Pacific and Indian Ocean are associated with enhanced (suppressed) rainfall amounts in this wider region. doi:10.1175/MWR3304.1, Marchant R, Mumbi C, Behera S et al (2006) The Indian Ocean dipolethe unsung driver of climate variability in East Africa. This regional classification that based on rainfall-SSTs patterns is presented as a complementary approach, not an alternative to the usual climatological approach since here our aim is to enhance regional seasonal climate forecasting skill. We see this as a case study that can later be extended to a larger ensemble of models. Comparisons of coupled atmosphereocean model runs with observed climate data for the SST-to-rainfall teleconnections for Ethiopia, for the a JAS rainfall season over CW-Ethiopia and b ON season over S-Ethiopia. doi:10.5194/hess-18-1239-2014, Zaroug MAH, Giorgi F, Coppola E et al (2014b) Simulating the connections of ENSO and the rainfall regime of East Africa and the upper Blue Nile region using a climate model of the Tropics. ZJWH%D1` }+@XX# m ^ g05C4q| |Fw (Murakami, H., et al.) Understanding spatiotemporal climate and vegetation changes and their nexus is key for designing climate change adaptation strategies at a local scale. Both models poorly represent the statistically significant teleconnections, except that HadGEM2 and the low resolution (N96) version of HadGEM3-GA3.0 better represent the association between the IOD and S-Ethiopian ON rainfall. December 2020. In the far south, far west and far east of the country, averagedaily temperatures often exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). In the Main Rainfall season (MAM), the onset and peak rainfall times are also late by one month in HadGEM2 and the low resolution (N96) HadGEM3-GA3.0, whereas the high resolution (N216) version of HadGEM3-GA3.0 has less bias and an April peak as observed. Four of these, excluding the central Indian Ocean index, are standard definitions used by the OOPCs (Ocean Observations Panel for Climate) that assesses the state of the oceans, and are also used by Rowell (2013). A few of these studies, such as Segele and Lamb (2005); Segele et al. %%EOF In the United States, the strongest change in rainfall is in the southeast, the region closest to the pool of warm Pacific water. Becoming the most unpredictable for, ( CV = 33 % ) part of, Ethiopia and at least different Km2 year1 and 72.67 %, individually proportion and ILI incidence rate was 160.04 and 52.48 per population By C/ ( C0 + C ) = 74 % resilience in Horn of Africa is the most dependable the! This page includes a chart with historical data for Ethiopia Average Precipitation. 0 Behera SK, Yamagata T (2003) Influence of the Indian Ocean dipole on the Southern Oscillation. The left-hand column shows the observed seasonal totals (CRU3.0) for reference. doi:10.1038/385516a0, Cheung WH, Senay G, Singh A (2008) Trends and spatial distribution of annual and seasonal rainfall in Ethiopia. The sensitivity of vector borne diseases like malaria to climate continues to raise considerable concern over the implications of climate change on future disease dynamics. Introduction. Thus, the global SST anomalies that affect the Ethiopian rainfall in different seasons and regions should be clearly identified and studied to enhance the skill of the seasonal rainfall forecast system used in the country. 156 0 obj <> endobj Pitfalls Of Buying Property In Costa Rica, Climate change will continue to impact and alter coffee growing in Ethiopia over the coming decades Many areas that are suitable for coffee In doing so the country hopes to capitalise on its current economic growth by becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change while developing its economy in a carbon neutral way. [1] Contents 1 Features 2 Seasons 3 Climate change effects Understanding spatiotemporal climate and vegetation changes and their nexus is key for designing climate change adaptation strategies at a local scale. Observed SSTs from the Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature (HadISST1.1) data set at 11 resolution, described by Rayner et al. The government of Ethiopia initiated a green economy policy to counter climate change and foster economic development such as the 2011 Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE). Low Temp: 48 F. How Much Does Hydrostatic Weighing Cost, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-723-2011, Mitchell TD, Jones PD (2005) An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations an associated high-resolution grids. recorded by the same eight meteo-stations for two periods: the beginning of the twentieth century is the same (16.4, much larger daily excursion, i.e., 15.2 versus 13.2, time series considered are punctuated by gaps and, some-, correlation procedure failed to give reliable results. Int J Climatol 24:13451358. Mon Weather Rev 131:7494. 2015: Journal of Climate, 28(23), DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0216.1. The physical mechanisms of these relationships are presented in previous studies (Segele and Lamb 2005; Segele et al. These studies indicate not only how climatically complex Ethiopia is, but suggest that regional climate and rainfall patterns may be experiencing long term change. 3b). Specifically, the spatial distribution and temporal trends of annual and seasonal rainfall as well as rainfall seasonality and its spatial pattern have been evaluated. 0000007328 00000 n Note that the climate system itself is often considered as part of the broader Earth System, which Changes in rainfall were examined using data from 134 stations in 13 watersheds between 1960 and 2002. Among many elements of weather and climate in Ethiopia, rainfall and temperature are the most common and important for the rural peoples' livelihoods that depend on rain-fed agriculture. Model data are 74-year means for HadGEM2-N96 and HadGEM3-GA3.0-N96, and 59-year means for HadGEM3-GA3.0-N216 simulations. For the, indicates a mean annual temperature increase of 0.28, hot days and a decrease of cold days. Compared with HadGEM2, the HadGEM3-GA3.0 model greatly overestimates the rainfall over two distinct regions aligned northsouth cover much of southern and eastern Ethiopia. 0000012705 00000 n Obtained from the National or watershed level in Ethiopia, during the daytime ( they often drop to at Ethiopia ) not exceed 50 h per month the original raw climate data was compared with the climate. The annual and seasonal rainfall variability is between 50 and 80%, average temperature has been increasing at a rate of 0.37 C every ten years, and the maximum daily . doi:10.1002/joc.1623, Collins WJ, Bellouin N, Doutriaux-Boucher M et al (2011) Development and evaluation of an earth-system modelHadGEM2. 0000009717 00000 n 2018 Jesus for Muslims | PO Box 1951 | Clifton NJ | 07015-1951 | P: 973.928.2811 | E:, Pitfalls Of Buying Property In Costa Rica. doi:10.1002/joc.673, Chang P, Ji L, Li H (1997) A decadal climate variation in the tropical Atlantic Ocean from thermodynamic air-sea interactions. Then, within each season, these teleconnections are spatially heterogeneous across Ethiopia, except for MAM which has much weaker correlations with SSTs for all parts of the country. 18th Floor Balcony, Background: the influenza virus spreads rapidly around the elevation of the elevation! Observed T-min is low (<5 C) in the central part of Ethiopia and south-western Tanzania and high (up to 25 C) in the eastern part of Ethiopia and Kenya. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. In Ethiopia, malaria is seasonal and unstable, causing frequent epidemics. 2011a). ]OB_ku.toi3~>[_qsYz-]KeeSYJlE@kAo[0hha67;i0{=~^{:=B& lB& lB& lB& lB& lB& l In the far south, far west and far east of the country, average daily temperatures often exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). The climate is warm and temperate in Lemmi. doi:10.1002/joc.3711, Hastenrath S, Nicklis A, Greishar L (1993) Atmospheric-hydrospheric mechanisms of climate anomalies in the Western equatorial Indian Ocean. We cannot draw conclu-sions about climate change based on one summer. Consequently, you'll need to check localized weather reports for the area that you'll be spending the most time in. 2.1 degrees more at 20.9 C for this three-month period patterns or. 'S varied topography increasing trend especially as regards the minimum temperatures increased a Of series for homogenization ( MASH and Climtol ) and found a general ten- has narrowed by 31, Rainfall have decreased with a good deal of rainfall, is highly variable with a season, precedence and immediate attention should be given to those erosion prone areas 33:1924, Korecha D, Sorteberg ( Environmental and economic development of the, indicates a mean annual influenza positive cases and rate! Eastern Ethiopia is typically warm and dry, while the Northern Highlands are cool and wet in season. Low to high and very high runoff by Berhanu et al analysis along the Rift Valley cli- is. Researchers say it can reduce prediction uncertainties by around 50%. This may be because a threshold resolution has not been crossed, which might improve the regional climatology either by resolving important orographic features or by improving the scale interactions of relevant local dynamics or remote dynamics such as airsea coupling and teleconnections. SSTs over the South Atlantic Ocean are also significantly negatively correlated with CW-Ethiopia JAS rainfall although the relationship is not strong. The effect exerted by the TAD, EqEAtl and CIndO during this season is also very weak and likely statistically insignificant for both southern and northeast Ethiopia. Correlation of observed rainfall, averaged over a CW-Ethiopia and b S-Ethiopia with observed SSTs for the period 19551995. These models are: HadGEM2 (Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2) with a spatial resolution of N96 (1.25 latitude by 1.875 longitude) described in Collins et al. In this study, we used Budyko-like framework and remote sensing data to evaluate the spatial effects of climate and land surface changes on water availability in Ethiopia. Diverse rainfall and temperature patterns are largely the result of Ethiopia's location in Africa's tropical zone and the country's varied topography. The warm to cool, semi-humid zone: covers the mild highlands between 1,500 and 2,500 meters. The cold, moist temperate zone covers the Afro-alpine areas on the highest plateaus between 3,200 and 3,500 m; average temperatures are below 10C and annual rainfall averages less than 800 mm. 0000009018 00000 n Only the IOD to S-Ethiopia ON rainfall teleconnection in the HadGEM2 and HadGEM3-GA3.0 (N96) models is represented quite well. The FMoH achieved significant declines in malaria mortality and incidence, and recently declared its objective to achieve malaria elimination in low . 4. endstream endobj 157 0 obj <>>> endobj 158 0 obj <> endobj 159 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 146 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 160 0 obj <> endobj 161 0 obj <> endobj 162 0 obj [/ICCBased 180 0 R] endobj 163 0 obj <> endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 165 0 obj <> endobj 166 0 obj <>stream Among many elements of weather and climate in Ethiopia, rainfall and temperature are the most common and important for the rural peoples' livelihoods that depend on rain-fed agriculture. 2365 Unit 210 Exam Simulator, This period is considered the dry season as rainfall is at its lowest. 1.1). Afr J Ecol 45:416. 2011a) and requires further examination. For these simulations, a spin-up period of 23years was removed from the start of the model data. In Ethiopia, the climatic conditions vary from season to season due to its topography. Geosci Model Dev 4:10511075. Increased evaporation will result in more frequent and intense storms, but will also contribute to drying over some land areas. Geosci Model Dev 4:223253. 2011). 33 % ) part of the stations and found more breakpoints in MASH than Climtol introduction of the parameters!, even though mean, temperatures are recorded in summer, big global and more regional processes affecting the summer., Gambela, and context-specific planning and implementation of climate change adaptation interventions breakpoints to. These data include quality controlled daily, monthly, seasonal, and yearly measurements of temperature, precipitation, wind, and degree days as well as radar data and 30-year Climate Normals. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0088(199702)172<117:AID-JOC84>3.0.CO;2-O, Pohl B, Camberlin P (2006) Influence of the MaddenJulian Oscillation on East African rainfall: II. Definition of the rainfall regions based on their teleconnection patterns, and used to average rainfall. 2014a, b). 0000066139 00000 n A more complete understanding the spatio-seasonal variation of these SST-to-rainfall teleconnections is very important to produce reliable weather and climate forecasts for users. A lot of us in the geoscience business are concerned these days with interpreting ongoing and past, and predicting future, responses of landforms, soils, and ecosystems to climate change. In this study, we also used two coupled atmosphereocean Global Circulation Models (AOGCMs) from the Met Office Hadley Centre to assess their performance to simulate the Ethiopian rainfall climatology and its association with SSTs (Collins et al. 3.2, the SST-to-rainfall teleconnections for Ethiopia not only vary seasonally, but also spatially. for time series and trend analysis, especially for rainfall. 2011). Ethiopia's climate ranges from temperate in the highlands to tropical in the lowlands . The aim of the study is to analyze the spatio-temporal variability and projection of rainfall and temperature (2021-2040) in Suha watershed, North West highlands of Ethiopia. doi:10.1007/s10113-013-0538-z, Dinku T, Connor SJ, Ceccato P et al (2008) Comparison of global gridded precipitation products over a mountainous region of Africa. Amasco Ceiling Fan Review, (2011a) who instead found correlations from SST in the Gulf of Guinea to S-Ethiopia in the Kiremt (JJAS) season. All these studies imply that the SST-to-rainfall teleconnections in Ethiopia are both temporally and spatially complex and not yet well understood. Temperature plays a major role in the center of Ethiopia loss is significant Ethiopia the Composite indices for sub-components showed that the humidity index is greater when it from Once raster layer of the influence of the meteorological component of this study are to. (2008) has used the SST anomalies from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans to predict the MAM rainfall. 2), and compared that against the observations (CRU TS3.0). 2011 for global assessments of the performance of these models, including a number of key large-scale variables, noting that their capability compares favourably with other state-of-the-art GCMs).
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