The Holy Spirit in a dove came over Me, and God the Father said: This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. St. John called out: (John 1:29) Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. In another passage: (John 4:30) He must increase, but I must decrease. This is true for all of you that you are called to be with Me, and I must increase in your life, and be more important than yourselves. St. Johns Gospel does emphasize My Divinity more than the other Gospels because he was close to Me. 1. This is why Trump did not want you fighting in long drawn out wars with no benefit to winning. During Lent you are doing penances and more prayers to help improve your spiritual life, so you would not deny Me so much. I forgave the paralytic of his sins, then I healed him and he picked up his mat and went home. I thank the Lord for choosing me as His Mother, and our two hearts are joined together as one. The evil ones are behind helping abortion clinics and promoting abortion to kill the unborn. Trust in Me to protect you from all the harassment from the evil people. They will make more excuses with new Covid restrictions, as you will see the vaccinated people shedding more viruses that could affect the unvaccinated. Your farmers are having trouble to find seed and fertilizer at a reasonable price in order to produce their crops. The time for the Antichrists reign is running out, but you could see a trial of evil in the coming tribulation. Even birth control methods are preventing more live births. I raised Lazarus and others from the dead. My child, there are many today within the walls of government that continue to eat the forbidden fruit. Jesus said: My people, tomorrow is Good Friday in the Eastern Rite and this gives people another chance to make some more Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. You place your extra virgin olive oil in a bowl, and you light a small wick that floats in the oil. Trust in Me when I say that I will use this oil to heal people. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, August 24, 2021 (St. Bartholomew) Jesus said: "My people, today you are facing the evil one world people who are trying to use communist tactics to force their will on yo You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.". Your people can prosper more without fighting wars., Thursday, January 12, 2023: HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. - A Highland Park man is charged in connection with the deadly stabbing of John O'Leary. The English Zoom is on the third Wednesday, and the Spanish Zoom translation is on the fourth Wednesday. In this way you will have My Presence always with you in perpetual Adoration. Jesus said: My people, many people are innocently taking the Covid vaccine shot because it will soon be made mandatory, and it is already in some places like Israel. In the Gospel you heard how I read the Scriptures with authority. There were nice talks and a homily at the Mass. Another potential hot spot is if Russia intends to take more territory in the Ukraine. After the conversion time, I will call My people to My refuges. Either oil can be used to bless vaccinated people so they will not die when the next deadly virus is released. These investigations are designed to hide the truth instead of telling the real facts, much like the FBI did not reveal any information on the Hunter Biden laptop that they had in their possession. This is why they need to be anointed with the Good Friday oil, or if they are believers, they can be healed at My refuges. I went to dinner with St. Matthew and his friends, and the Pharisees criticized Me for eating with sinners. Your Good Friday oil is your best way to heal the vaccinated people., Jesus said: My people, there are evil people who hate Me, and they want to remove all the books that quote My words in the Bible. This is how you will be able to enter My refuges. The unknown contact demanded further. You see why you have to pray to Me for strength to endure your temptations, because you have a weak nature like St. Peter who said he would die for Me, but he denied Me three times. It is the vaccinated people who are in danger of dying with the next virus attack. Let the people you are praying over believe that I can heal them. Monday, January 9, 2023: (The Baptism of the Lord) Jesus said: "My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those people, who do not get off such drugs, could ruin their whole lives. St. Joseph said: My son, you do not hear from me in the Scriptures, but I was the support for the Holy Family. Jesus said: My people, in todays reading you are seeing My betrayal from Judas. My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them. You have only 5 4 now 3 years left to save your nation! Almost all of the South American countries are becoming communist, and they are coming under the control of the one world people. Sunday, January 1, 2023 January 4, 2023 Sunday, January 1, 2023: (The Solemnity of Mary) Our Blessed Mother said: "My dear children, on this feast of my Motherhood of my Son, Jesus, I pondered all of these events in my heart. You have working flush toilets and a backup outhouse. This means of control using vaccines, is the beginning of a communist takeover., Tuesday, March 30, 2021: You recite 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. I will send you deer for your meat, and you have My angels and St. Joseph to build a high rise building in your backyard for more people. John Leary was ordained a Jesuit priest. Irish culture and current affairs with the historical backstory that explains it all. The Magi had followed My miraculous star from the East, and they came to Bethlehem where the star stopped to indicate where I was born. Has latest news on the village. With your new Republican House, there may be more cuts to sending money and equipment to the Ukraine. He had a large pictureRead more , Monday, January 16, 2023: Jesus said: My people, Mary poured expensive oil over My feet and My head. You had your bowls of extra virgin olive oil with the flames on wicks that floated in the oil. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Jesus said: "My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in Me. You can protect yourself from emf radiation using Blushield products at, Jesus said: My people, it is getting harder to buy a used home because the supply of homes for sale is decreasing. This shows you how much I love man that I would take up a human nature, so I could suffer and die on the cross to bring salvation to all sinners, who want to love and accept Me as their Savior. The curtain in the Temple was split in two as one of My signs of My glory and power. It gives your body a rest, and you feel in a better way to pray as well. Have no fear because this is all part of a plan by the elites for reducing the population, but My power is greater than the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, these new 5G towers are spreading a lot more radiation than the previous 4G towers. When your lives may be at risk for not taking a shot, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges for protection by My angels. You also have bedding, pillows, and blankets for sleeping. This is a plan to purposely reduce the population by the elite evil people. I walked on water, and I calmed the stormy sea. Remember when My Blessed Mother told you that the greatest sin of omission is for people to not pray or protest against abortion (1-23-17). I love My people, and I send My angels to protect you from the demons. And in this first epic battle between Good and evil, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, God won and satan lost. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, March 25, 2021: (Annunciation of Mary) I told the people that the Son of Man can forgive sins by virtue of the miracle of the paralytics healing. Mufi Hannemann, president and CEO of the Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association, and . The Jews Will Finally Accept Jesus Christ - Messages The Two Witnesses - Messages Heavenly Prayers Prophet John Leary Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ - Dec 28, 2022 - Jan 3, 2023 January 4, 2023 / a soul PROPHET JOHN LEARY Tuesday, January 3, 2023: (The Holy Name of Jesus) You have made this before with your 33 Apostles Creed and 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. After the conversion time, I will call My faithful to My refuges of protection. Without a vaccination ID tag you may be restricted from certain stores and events. Keep praying for all family members to do the right things in their lives., Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary) The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office announced Wednesday that Sean William. These are addictive behaviors and these people need a personal decision to get off such addictions by treatment and a combination of prayers. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, December 28, 2021 (Mark Hubbel Funeral Mass)Jesus said: "My people, you have many ups and downs with trials in your life, and one of them now is with your health during Misa y Comunin, oraciones por la vida 3 rosarios, Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia,Read more , Tuesday, January 17, 2023: (St. Anthony of the Desert) Both of these problems of abortion and the open Southern border are getting worse because of the Democrat policies that are killing people and allowing more crime. Bless the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or they could die from the next deadly virus. Jesus said: My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You remember when I asked My people to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. Soon you will be celebrating My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. You have done well in your preparations, and you have followed My directions in all I have asked of you. 2 hereby know ye the spirit of god: every spirit that confesseth that jesus christ is come in the flesh is of god: 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh is not of god: and N.B. Give thanks for all of My refuge builders for saying yes to My call., Jesus said: My son, you are seeing proof of more cheating in the Michigan 2020 Presidential election that showed 66,000 votes that were not connected to registered voters. I am visiting with Shirley, who I love and who I missed for all those years after her death. In the vision you saw a large black abyss that represented hell. Give praise and thanks to your Father in heaven for this blessed room., Jesus said: My dear refuge builders, you have given your yes to prepare a refuge for Me, so I can call My faithful to your refuges. (PG) (1:44) "Ghostbusters": Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. If you can adjust your phone to only receive 4G signals, it would be less microwave radiation coming from your phone. This sickness will be spread, and My faithful will need to build up your immune systems with vitamin C and D, as well as Hawthorn and your other supplements. Important Message of God the Father: . Yes, you will have natural disasters and a possible new virus and new vaccines that you should avoid taking. This is the room where you will pray before My Son, Jesus Host around the clock as a perpetual Adoration throughout the whole tribulation time of less than 3 years. If you pray every day and follow My Commandments, I can see your true love for Me in your heart. After My Baptism and My death on the cross, the gates of heaven were opened to worthy souls. The latest series of Laochra Gael will land on our screens on Thursday, January 26th, with the focus being Galway hurling legend Joe Canning. My faithful remnant will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. When your lives are in danger, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps scattered all over your country that the one world people will be using to capture Christians and those resisting the Great Reset. January 13, 2023. John Leary --> Latest News Site Updates Videos / Books Fr. These souls know who I am, and they will need to make a free will choice to be with Me or not. Jesus said: My people, when St. Paul showed a letter on what the Church agreed on, the Gentile converts were happy that they were not obligated to get circumcised. I love the little babies and I pray to stop abortions. The people had no idea that I was a God-man, the Incarnation of God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. But I thanked her because she was preparing Me for My burial. I thank all of My faithful who believe in this service and who believe in My healing power. Pray that your people can revolt against this injustice., Wednesday, May 5, 2021; Be prepared, My faithful, because those faithful, who did not get vaccinated, will be treated like second class citizens. Use this time to pray for souls to be saved, who could otherwise be lost without My protection., Jesus said: My people, these elite evil people want to kill millions of people with the Covid virus and vaccines. Our Lady of Medjugorje - Original First website on Our Lady of Medjugorje. My angels will put an invisible shield over your refuge, and they will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation. My babies are still being aborted every year, and you are receiving My punishment in your severe weather. You also will be tested for belief in Me because the evil people hate Me because they are led by Satan. Only My believers with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed into My refuges. Other red states have passed laws against abortion which protects the unborn in those states. When the spirit left, this astonished the people, and they asked what kind of person was I who could command the evil spirits to leave someone. This should uplift your spirits so you can share your Easter joy with the people around you. This is why I revealed that a blessing of the Good Friday oil could heal such people. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading you read about the high priests like Aaron, and how the priests are called to be priestsRead more , Sunday, January 15, 2023: You all have been given your guardian angel to watch over you, and your angel urges you to lead a holy life of prayer and obedience to Me and My Commandments. Date Name City, State Country Description Sources ca. For those people, who follow My Commandments, you will receive your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven., Jesus said: My son, just as you had to bring up your picture of St. Meridia from the basement, so I asked you to bring up the relic of St. Lucy as well, when people needed prayer for their eyes. This is why I want My faithful to spread My 'Good News' of My Resurrection and your salvation from your sins. If your lives are threatened by this threat against not taking the vaccine shot, then I will call you to My refuges where you will be protected by My angels. Trust in Me that you will not starve because I know what you need, and I will multiply your food when it is needed., Jesus said: My people, last year you were six inches below your normal rainfall. All sinners betray Me in their sins when they deny Me like St. Peter. On December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, go to a church, if possible, for one full hour of prayer, otherwise, the prayer can be done at home. everyone is there plot summary. This is My blessing so the vaccinated people can be healed, but they must believe in faith that I can heal them. This is causing home buyers to put premium bids in for purchasing a home, because there is so much demand for homes. . These companies can only be prosperous when they can make arms for any ongoing war. Jesus said: My people, you know the significance of My 3:00 p.m. These things were put out at church for your prayer group, but during the Covid virus shutdown, you forgot to put them out at your prayer group in your home. Be thankful that you have had this open opportunity, because a time is coming when you will be censored by the evil ones, and they will shutdown your website. You remember the miraculous curtain of light that was displayed over the Twelfth Station for about 20 minutes. Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I told you that I came to forgive and heal sinners and not the self-righteous. To change your abortion laws you would need a Republican Legislature which would be difficult to change. We are handing out sheets how to make the Good Friday oil on Good Friday at 3:00 a.m. Then I will send destruction upon the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. May 6, 2021 Thursday, April 29, 2021: (St. Catherine of Sienna) Jesus said: "My people, you are still in celebration mode with the glory of My Resurrection and the empty tomb. This is a mystery for man to try and understand how I can be a man and the Son of God at the same time. It is My refuge angels who will only allow people with crosses on their forehead to enter a refuge. Even though the astronomers like to chart this star for its timing, I truly led the Magi by a miraculous star . July 2021 - Unique . Jesus said: My people, you are seeing some states who are putting out vaccine ID tags for people who were vaccinated with the Covid vaccine. The vaccinated people could die from the next deadly virus attack. Bear with the troubles and pain in this world, for you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace. Jesus said: My people, earthquakes are one of the end time signs, when the earth will shake. A good number of people have had bad effects from taking this vaccine, and 5% of those, who had bad symptoms, have died. This oil will protect people from the new virus that could kill vaccinated people. I have been giving you messages about refuges for many years. These messages on hell (7-31-14), purgatory, heaven (7-24-14), and Sunday Mass (7-14-14) are needed for your people to wake up to where their spiritual destination is headed. Before this deadly virus is released, I will send My Warning. You have a short memory of all of the good things that I Fr. Trust in Me to guide you on the right path to heaven where you will receive your reward for remaining faithful to Me., Prayer Group: Click any event below to view more details. I will bring My Warning, and the vaccinated people will be told to be converted to be saved. Soon you will see these shots being made mandatory so the elites could control the people. Originally Posted By:Words from Jesus. Even though it is difficult to change the blue state legislatures to stop abortion, you still need to pray for your mothers to stop having abortions. 2.9K views 3 years ago Fr. John Leary's Prophecies. Prayer Group: If your people do not rise up in revolt against these restrictions, you could lose your freedoms and allow the communists to take you over. You all are called to lead holy lives and bear with all of your pains and disappointments. The one who is anointing people on the forehead, and the one who is being blessed, both have to believe that I can heal this virus. It is important that My refuge people are willing to have a perpetual Adoration with people praying an hour around the clock. Those people, who accept Me as their Lord and Master, will have a cross placed on their forehead if they are a new convert. I especially thank Joanie and those people who brought me to Mass to be with Jesus. You are in a battle between good and evil, but fear not, because I will bring My victory over the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing how it will be necessary for My believers to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones after the Warning and the conversion time. Bless them on the forehead with this oil and pray some prayers with them., Jesus said: My son, you are fortunate to have Nilda help you set up the Zoom conferences every month. You are beginning to see how your leaders are going to implement communism by controlling you with these vaccination ID passes. These evil ones will be found out and judged even if I have to reveal it in My time., Sunday, January 15, 2023: After giving their gifts to Me, they left for home by a different route so Herod was not told where I was. Trust in Me that I will protect My believers at My refuges. The 3:00 a.m. You will have My Warning before your lives will be in danger from the evil ones. Even new homes are getting more expensive because the materials and labor costs are getting three times the cost because of short supplies during this Covid virus time. This is a holy chapel and you may feel My very Presence. Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I told you that I came to forgive and heal sinners and not the self-righteous. A. Mufi Hannemann (left) and Peter Ingram were appointed to the US Travel and Tourism Advisory Board. The property has a lot size of 0.08 ac and was built in 1924. The evil ones want fewer people because it is harder to control large amounts of people. These Democrats cheered when they passed the latest abortion law and they even put pink lights on in the World Trade Center. Many of the people who took the vaccine shot could die when the next virus attack comes. You can pour some of this oil in your little bottles and use it to pray over the people. I will separate the goats from My sheep, and the goats will be thrown into hell. My child do not despair for this is a time when the world will begin to share in the . You can even do these things throughout the year when you feel weak in your temptations. Pray that people are able to find enough food to feed their families with what is needed., Jesus said: My people, you will see resistance to the removal of your paper money from circulation, and people will not want their money controlled by the one world people. Naomi O'Leary and Tim Mc Inerney. It is the Democrats who are pushing for the legalization of allowing abortion. The Democrats want more votes, but the price of your problems could harm many of your communities. Now you can rejoice as My Easter people, who have been washed in My Most Precious Blood. Your group has changed to praying downtown when your Greece Planned Parenthood building was torn down. When there are unusual answers to large problems, this lends suspicion to a possible cover up of the real reason for these shutdowns on different days. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, April 29, 2021: (St. Catherine of Sienna) Then you can place the oil back in the bottle and label it Good Friday Oil, 2021., Jesus said: My people, just as you made Good Friday oil at 3:00 a.m. on April 2, so you can make more Good Friday oil tomorrow at 3:00 a.m. on April 30th on the Eastern Rite feast day. If the other swing states were investigated, you would find the same excess votes that enabled Biden to win. He could live a normal life for a few weeks. news digest here: view the latest John Leary articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. "My people, these two latest hurricanes have brought much destruction and flooding in your southern states. I will separate the evil ones from My believers at My refuges, where My refuge angel will prevent the evil ones from entering. 3) That a Preface must be included in all newly printed or reprinted material, such warning the readers that the material contains a number of doctrinal errors Many people were healed by My miracles because they had faith that I could heal them. Jason Bateman - Latest news, views, gossip, photos and video | Daily Mail Online. The First Seal of the Apocalypse has been opened. I pray that all of you can have rest in My peace throughout your lives., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing some young people taken up with vaping and drugs. Once a good share of the people have their shot, the authorities will try to mandate the vaccine for everyone. But My greatest miracle was My Resurrection from the dead. Some areas in your country are seeing floods, while other areas are having droughts. You may be criticized or persecuted for telling people not to take the virus shots. I said yes, even though I would be vulnerable to seeing me pregnant before marriage. All the evil ones and non-believers will not be allowed into the protection of My refuges. You can burn it overnight, or you can put the light out after the prayers. . If you can still use 4G signals, then do not buy or use the 5G capability of your phones. November 21, 2022 - VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY - Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb - By a soul - MaryRefugeOfSouls VIDEO - Facing Imminent Nuclear War - Instructions and Remedy for Radioactivity from GOD. 2. If the authorities try to mandate taking the virus shots, then you can call on Me, and I will have My angels cover you with an invisible shield at My refuges. But those people, who only come to Me in trouble, and just come to Sunday Mass, are only part time lovers out of their convenience. Your angel will place an invisible shield over you so you will not be detected. At the Last Supper I celebrated the Passover with My disciples. So they would not bow to the King's golden statue. The 48-year-old TV star has now entered into a decade of fronting the event . My followers will also have to suffer persecution from the earthly people who hate Me. This is how all of my children should accept each of your missions in life with your own fiat of your free will. You had a flashback to when you saw a miraculous curtain of Light that came on the wall of your chapel right under My Crucifixion at the Twelfth Station of the Cross. It is also the end of the Christmas Season and time for the green vestments until the beginning of Lent. Pray, Pray, Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that God keeps winning! While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be some delay in them being posted on the website. The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. You also remember how Satan was allowed to enter Judas. It will not be long when some stores will limit people entering who do not have this tag, or a negative test for the virus. This is why I want My faithful to spread My Good News of My Resurrection and your salvation from your sins. Even those four people, who carried the man on his mat, had sincere faith in My healing as well. Before I came on the earth, the gates of heaven were closed and many souls were suffering in purgatory. It is hard to find enough resources to make replacements. You can use your Good Friday oil to bless the vaccinated people with a cross of oil on their forehead. Saturday, December 31, 2022 January 4, 2023 Saturday, December 31, 2022: (St. Sylvester I) Jesus said: "My people, you are celebrating My birth and a new year, but this year will be a different kind of year than you have ever seen before. It is also on my website. The shots will change your immune system, and your DNA will keep making the spike protein that will cause unvaccinated people to get sick. Some Catholics could be truly saved by their life review, if they see how they have been ignoring Me for most of their lives and change their lives. Jesus said: My people, you heard the lector reading a spiritual communion for those people who follow the Mass on the internet at home. But once I left them when I died, then they fasted. More battles are incoming. I am with the Lord after this Mass. beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of god: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 4. I mentioned before how Bidens policies are causing inflation and problems that are taking your country down. At My refuges you will be healed from any virus, and I will protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you. You all are sinners like St. Peter, and you have denied Me in your own sins. By your faith in My miracles you will see Me multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. Eventually, the authorities may threaten to quarantine you, or even put you in jail for not taking the vaccine. The drug cartels are ruining your country with crime and drugs. I do not force Myself on anyone, but I want people to love Me of their own free will. It is possible you will never know the real answer because there are convenient coverups since this is a security problem in both events. A. Pray for peace, but more serious events are coming in the spring. My work is not done because I told you I would be your contractor in helping to expand your refuge with a high rise building. They are at the mercy of your new weather changes where you have droughts and floods in places. It is Satan and his followers in the one world people who are constantly trying to find ways to reduce the population. Continue to pray your rosaries every day as My Blessed Mother encouraged the children to pray at Fatima. I spoke in parables, but I only explained them for My apostles. Jesus said: My people, you are still in celebration mode with the glory of My Resurrection and the empty tomb. Dermot O'Leary will once again host the much-anticipated coverage of this year's Soccer Aid event later tonight.. Give praise and glory to Me for protecting you during the tribulation., Jesus said: My people, many of My believers have had My angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads. 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