Im someone who respects all life and I have friends who are the same way. It is a dome-shaped cavern at a distance of about 4300 meters from the Earths surface. "Beam me up, Scotty". Thank you!! Psychic human beings exist. Those in authority are being questioned because the abusers are in the spotlight. Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate scheme of generalizations. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. You remember them as normal humans or grey dwarfs or even extremely bizarre animals because they want you to remember that or sometimes they want you to completely forget anything about a meeting with them. This is partly the guilty of the Illojim themselves, because they had constructed or better mis-constructed (partly intentionally) your mind and your consciousness without real protection mechanisms. The Anunnaki from Nibiru, 2. the Reptilian Renegades and their Zeta minions, and, 3. This depends certainly on the point of view. I am yet to see a reptilian, can we say a saying, to uncloak their mimicry over us? Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. I believe that the concept of consciousness matrix is real due to some theories that can be proven by the effect of endless compression. The reason for the shifting of the date and time of the second meeting was a possible observation and surveillance of my own person after the publication of the first transcript. In the case of not fully developed abilities, the danger of discovery by you would be too great. Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers {contain information about} your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. ZTEKNO presents: LACERTA! It can, despite its removal, continue to exist in a self-sufficient manner for a certain amount of time. It is easier as you think. I myself find the information informative and instructive. The way that lacerta pronounces her name emulates these voices. I mean, in the US the candidates came down to Trump and Hillary you used to have to have a military background to even run. She doesnt want to hurt us. Taken from . The interesting thing is how well the things she says corresponds with quantum physics. We see a spider in our home and we let it be. As I already said, we were in direct contact in the last several centuries with some of your more primitive human tribes; these tribes had themselves succeeded in breaking through the old creation programming; they were able to meet us without tension, hate and total rejection. The embryo inside this hull is completely autarky from the mothers body and it has every substance it needs to develop inside this chalk hull. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.) Is there any chance for the friendly reptilians to appear in the public if we could deal with most of our problems within 20 years? However, not a lot of aliens care for us, and for me at least I don't care about them either. The reptilians have genetically experimented on humans and they have attached some of their DNA to humans. Im in the possession of the entire transcript of the interview (49 pages with some of my drawings of her body and her equipment) and also of some tapes on which I have the full interview, but I will not reveal this before I have permission from her. I have so many questions no intention to overbear you. You are the first Earthlings, the closest relatives to the Dinosaurs. This is extraordinary and a completely captivating dialogue. It depends again on the respective point of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the deeds of a much more highly developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower observation point, from which an assessment is not possible. Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish (like the sharks), birds, little creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles and there was a special kind of small but advanced dinosaurs which had developed together with the last large animal-reptilians like the species you call Tyrannosaurus. (Thats a rather strange human word and not really correct, but you ought to understand it better this way.) Sacred. I esteem toward Lacerta, good tidings and warm regards in wishing her own life journey to likewise grow in a meaningful manner. This photo comes from Belgium. I dont want to talk further about this. You really ought to be intelligent enough not to fall for a mix-up like that. As a little advice: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even in something that looks to you like an artificial mine shaft and as deeper you walk as smoother appear the walls and if you feel unusual warm air streaming from the depth or if you hear the rushing sound of streaming air in a ventilation or elevator shaft, then look for a special kind of artificial and smooth wall somewhere in the cave with a door made of gray metal. That streamlined kind of form is a human concept. Back to our own history: the first species (the humanoids) had reached Earth around 150 years before the reptilians and they built some colonies on the former continents. I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Were you a believer of God before you met Lacerta? Luis Prada, so you did not meet Lacerta, you transcribed the interview, correct? You are not. She's not much older than i am. The idea that human-looking species are good and reptilian species are bad, is typical of the religious lenses and polarised views that unawaken people view life through. Hola, Luis, yo pienso que al entrevistador le falt ser un poco ms inteligente y hacer muchas preguntas que no siendo tan tcnicas nos ayudaran mucho, como por ejemplo, la razn por la cual viven debajo de la tierra si ellos son los colonizadores. Where a friend becomes a treasure and their trust in us which grew about slowly (as all good things do). On the other hand, if this is a work of fiction, I hope to read more as it is quite good, and I RELISH topics of science fiction and science fact, the world is a place of wonder, and learning about it has always been a love of mine. I would appreciate it if we can end with this topic here. This would mean that I would meet with you two or three and learn. This method had various advantages but also disadvantages. Im interested to see how your species will react if you make the truth (which I will tell you now) public. Question authority. In my town to the west there is a small cave opening. Religions are for mind control and their ideas of what is God are, for the most part, wrong. I have my full-blown chakra opening in 2004, I had a date dump of all that was, is and will be. Thats why Im here and talk to you, thats why I have revealed my real nature to E.F. and now to you and thats why I give you all that secret information and why I will try to answer all the questions on your many sheets of paper honestly. When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this system, the humanoid colonists from Procyon tried to communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a global war started within months. Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but its the truth. Im not saying it is impossible but in comparison more exists than the other. Lo que vemos afuera que no nos gusta est ah por nosotros mismos pues refleja nuestra forma de pensar materialista, egosta y desinteresada por saber lo que est pasando y por nuestra inaccin ante la corrupcin. Lets look it that way. By means of the fluctuation at the right angle with the induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. How do you feel about humankind and what are the steps necessary to dig deeper into the universe and its secrets? Go through your world with open eyes and you will see or maybe not. I dont want to overbear you with questions, but my friend and I have been searching, he found out in many ways, but I have only heard, I do believe this because I stopped believing in God many years now as the reasons for Gods existence didnt add up and didnt make any sense. No. Although everything was attempted on the advice of Lacerta to keep my identity a secret, just two days after the dissemination of the document abroad, and various unusual events took place. Looks like science found something in Peru. Also that official science IS a religion. Jan 1, 2022 - This Pin was discovered by The Great King Porky Minch. To be explainedit can only be explained by the acceptance of the latter, because the sphere of influence {Feldraum} is the basis. The reason for this destruction was not a natural disasteran asteroid impact as your scientists believe falselybut a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. The Lacerta Files are condensed transcripts of two supposed interviews with a reptilian humanoid known as "Lacerta", apparently conducted by a Swedish "skeptic" with the pseudonym Ole K. The story of how this interview happened and came to be public knowledge is impossible to properly substantiate, but goes something like this: Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not Species of the Evil One, even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. When that day has come, when we will see the world as One and with Love, we would have evolved more than what I described above. Here in this picture I see above all no artificial object in flight; it seems much more to deal with only a light reflex in your simple optical cameras. Answer: Of course. Also register on, Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only observer dependent reflective behavior of a single, large unified force at different levels. Amazing story, I have seen the power of collective thought and telekinesis in real life. As I have said many times, we [in BVW] do not have mental walls. Answer: We are no mammals and as reptiles our body temperature depends on the temperature of our surrounding. After listening to the dictated versions of the Lacerta files and am very interested in this subject. Climate change. Everything paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that matter inhabits as well as in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. The mummies are authentic and the females have eggs in their bellies. When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do it without problems with his mind (even with large groups) because nobody expects to see a reptile woman. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. The following feature is very different from your body and part of our reptilian origin: if you touch the backside of my upper body you will feel a hard bony line through my clothing. I dont want repeat myself. Now, lets call it primitive curiosity; I wanted to talk with the person in this cabin and so I knocked on the door. Furthermore, two of the species are also interested in your body, in your human tissue and blood, because their own genetic structure is defect through bad evolution and radiation (as far as we know) and they need intact strings from your kind and from animals to repair their own genetic again and again, but they are not really able to repair the defects completely because their DNA and your DNA is not fully compatible (my own species is absolutely incompatible with them, so they are not very interested in us) and they try to make more compatible crossbreeds between you and them by use of artificial fertilizations and artificial wombs. The alien species of course quickly noticed that they were dealing with simple-minded creatures, and they gave you false and inferior information about their technology so that they receive much more out of the collaboration than your kind do. (2007) and other authors. Also, is there anymore other information that we dont know about that was discussed? Maybe it is advanced, but in my view it's advanced sociopath behavior. Thank you for publishing this for public use, without it I would have never found the truth. If you touch my hand you will maybe feel that it is colder than yours, because our normal body temperature is around 30 to 33 degree Celsius. I have reached my adult phase and my awareness 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us.) I was, am and always will be a knower that God exists. Have into account that the reptilian race is spread throughout the galaxy and forms different star nations with different cultural traditions. The air shafts and the light systems from the surface likewise run through these columns and naturally, they are very intensely controlled. In the meantime I collect questions which I will ask her then. 27 years, including the Tall Whites and Reptilian casts. You really have to see it for yourself to be able to believe it. She sounds very smart. No. The fusion of copper with other elements in such a magnetic/radiation field-chamber can produce a force field of special nature that is very useful for various technological tasks (but the base for this is an extremely complex formula you are not able to discover because of the restrictions of your simple mind.) As a child i remember going up to this cave and going to the end of it. Whether you believe in a creator or not, most of us have respect, but at least empathy for other life forms. Check out also the BVW Facebook wall, join it to post info and comments there and ask questions. Lacerta refers to this as the sphere of influence. I would love to personally speak with her. According to what I heardwhat members of my species were told by members of that governmentit resulted in an unintentional activation of one of the drives components in the unshielded condition. Taken from,, Whenever you people take a look at an ant hill, and another person comes along and steps on the ant hill, what do you do? The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities but on the other hand we were able to destroy many of their surface installations and bases in space. Both species wanted to have the copper of Planet Earth and for this reason they fought a not very long war in space and orbit. Many of us eat raw flesh or other things which would be disgusting for you. The structure of our brain is a little bit different to yours and our hypothesis is larger and more active than yours especially when we are in sunlight. The thin hull structure of that kind of disk craft is in and of itself not very stable, since those disks have not been designed for crashes as well as for flight in a field where there are exterior forces at work. If you would be able to open that door (but I doubt this) you would be in a usually round technical room with ventilation systems and elevators to the depth. To begin I would suggest interested people take the time to look-up and read the last interview titled SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT: Thomas Castello who worked in a high-security joint Repilian/Military DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) near Dulce, NM as a security officer. I want to belive/ I wish its the true! The reptilian goes in depth explaining ufo phenomena, origins of man, and various aspects of her culture. Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out.) In this state of mind the oscillations change very abruptly and access becomes complicated; more precisely, it can come as a painful recoil. Watch Interview with Reptilian female Lacerta (The Lacerta Files With Clear Audio and Subtitles) by Whole Secrets 6 years ago 4.4k views I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. Of course at the time, he did not really recognize who I was; he was totally convinced that he was talking with a creature of his own kind, although it was simply only a mimicry image. These layers contain information, as an example, about the simple structure of matter or the string frequency, but also there is stored information stemming from the development of matter. Although I do struggle to believe that they have such openings with some sort of false perception transmitters, as well as having them fitted on air/spacecraft. {TRANSLATORS NOTE: No legitimate translation exists for this word Feldraum; Feld means field, Raum means space, room, expanse. Therefore, Im translating it as sphere of influence.} Certain physical conditions are associated only with the realm of the material {as in concrete}, while other and more complicated conditions are associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world. I think we are the most mentioned non-human species (maybe beside the Illojim) in your history. That is difficult to explain and for you to understand. After about two weeks, the minivan disappeared again. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. Please dont think that I am paranoid; however, I believe that the publication of the interview has drawn either official attention or the attention of some organization to me. If one spends the time to look into other older stories of creation and the beginning times, one can see that many of the current and canonised bible stories are a retelling of much earlier events, for example, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nad Hammadi codices and the Sumerian list of kings. Question: What will happen when the war begins? For example, there is a gigantic partially underground building in the capital which is totally dedicated to my species and that also has a direct approach to an elevator shaft and to an underground system. Thank you, Mr. Bergman, for your comment. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. I once again reaffirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. If you see one of that symbols on a cylindrical craft Ive described in my previous answer or on some underground installation, this thing or place belongs definitely to us (and I would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible.). CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. I understand if they don't care. Politics? It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. It is with a gentle kindness to respect another's desire for privacy and perhaps to hope for a manner in which to be able to exchange a measure of sincerity and heart. In my memery there is an opening at the end of the cave that is no longer there. Pretty amazing! Just my opinion. How old is your species? ANYONE can talk about dinosaur this and dinosaur that and not provide any real meaningful information that could be confirmed by science. See his videos on YouTube. So what label would you put on the human race benevolent? malevolent? Question: I understand. Since the alien species has just not given you any more information since the disagreement, they are rebuilding the systems single-handedly without actually being able to understand what kind of dangerous thing they are doing there. [ ] [ ] All-Star Superman [ ] Real Shapeshifters website Reptoids Research Center website When I came to the surface four days ago, I used an entry approximately 300 of your kilometers north from here near to a large lake, but I doubt that you would be able to find it (there are only a few entries in this part of the world more are far more north and east.) By the way, one result of the fusion bomb was the fall-out of different elements and materials created in the burning process and one of those materials was Iridium. And why this story is not true? You must know (some of your scientists have already supposed this) that your species had evolved in a naturally completely impossible speed within just 2 3 millions of years. Your historical horizon ends at a scale of just some thousands of years and you think this is right. Nevertheless, you have permission to make drawings of my look and of my equipment I can show you later. Is her reptilian form an amazing sight? Luckily there is a strong push in the world for green energies, but hopefully it is not too late. They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. Taken from . Its quite the read. Ive made some notes about your history and now I have some questions. Once made public through YouTube and websites, they can be easily confiscated, stored hidden in a place like the Smithsonian Museum to never be seen again by the general public. But that's just me, and maybe some of you who read this feel the same way, maybe most of you do. I did not transcribe the interviews. The Illojim had taught their mind and enhanced their brain and their body structure and they were now able to use tools and fire. I cultivated the very, very unusual idea (for my kind) to show him my true exterior, something that I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the cabin. If we are for some hours in the shadow, our temperature goes back to 30 to 33 degrees. Progress can be made. What youre referring here to is the reptilian renegades that work with Deep State and who are mentioned by David Icke in the possession of politicians and power elites. Answer: This is difficult to answer. Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. If youre truly a believer in the Light, everyone should be allowed to speak their truths with no filter. I dared to take the step, but then I had serious doubt about the propriety of my act, especially when he reactedveryviolently. Comentario * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a2c4ab231ab3fbb1e7da3a8aad5fef15" );document.getElementById("b15fa0f07c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of TruthF. You see that my nails are not so long and round at the top. I wanna meet her or find the entrance. I always tell myself that the truth is the truth not bending the truth to fit the ideologies of a religion or some other imposed belief system! If there are no symbols or other symbols, you are maybe in bigger trouble as you think, because not every underground installation belongs to our kind. 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