464 Midway Road New Castle, PA 16101. All the latest news and information concerning the Lawrence County Fair & Rodeo. Hay & GrainDept. Lawrence County Fair & Rodeo LLC. + Google Calendar + iCal Export. 2023 Lawrence County Junior Fair Tag-In Dates, Rules & Regulations. Live Concert Series : ROTARY ARENA EVENTS. We would also like to thank the countless volunteers (too many to name individually) who work with us year round, behind the scenes, to bring , Before the Lawrence County Farm Show, Inc. (DBA Lawrence County Fair) the 4-H Extension Agents, Vo-Ag and FFA Advisors arranged for project round ups every summer as a place where the 4-H and FFA members could show their livestock projects. Division (B). Here are just a few facts about Lawrence County, Arkansas. This year we are excited to announce a musical performance by Chris Higbee as well as Motor-X Gold Cup Racing, Drag Races and the perennial fan favorite events of Truck & Tractor Pulls, Rodeo and Demolition Derby. Two gyms to the west offer displays by local businesses and student art. Lawrence County Fair. $5 per car Daily must be a direct family member and in vehicle Scioto County's fair is set for Aug . Collier, Concession Manager, (740) 646-3742 for more information. Fax: 724-654-8772 BRONZE LEVEL: $150 $250 (1) 1 x 3 Banner* Daily announcement during week of the Fair via PA system. Gouverneur and St. Lawrence County Fair* August 2-7: Gouverneur: www.gouverneurfair.net: Otsego County Fair* August 2-7: Morris: www.otsegocountyfair.org: Ulster County Fair: August 2-7: AGRICULTURAL Michael's We encourage you to join us and consider supporting the Austin Justice Coalition or the organization leading the ongoing movement for accountability and change in your community. , The following is the Constitution and By Laws of the Lawrence County Farm Show, Inc. Any individual wishing to run for a seat on the LCF Board of Directors for the 2023-2025 term must submit a letter of intent as , 724-654-7745 daily at 4pm, except Saturday 2pm. How satisfied are you with leadership in your municipality? 3.The top 20 percent of total entries of each show are to be entered in the premium sale at the judge's discretion. Rides may be purchased separate $5.00 Gates Open: 8 am 11 pm Rides Open: 5 , July 15, 2022 REGISTRATION & ENTRIES ARE DUE IN THE FAIR OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING: Camping Registrations Livestock Entries (Depts. If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this content request accommodation here. All rabbits will be released immediately following the rabbit show. For technical support please contact the CFAES Helpdesk. will be available to shuttle the elderly and handicapped from April 30 . Michael's Five age categories are featured in events that take place this year on Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25. Golden There will be no re-entry with daily pass. 2022 Lawrence County Fair Educational Building/ 4-H Entries. Jack and his wife Lorraine were proud parents and grandparents that shared their love of the dairy industry. The Ohio Department of Agriculture on Thursday released the dates for the 2023 fair season, including the Ashtabula County Fair slated for Aug. 8-13 in Jefferson. The Gallia County fair will be July 31-Aug. 5. The landscape of Lawrence County is flat-topped rolling hills in the western half and flat fertile delta river bottomland in the eastern half. Lake Charles along with Lake Charles State Park offers fishing, hiking, picnicking and water sports. . County Fairgrounds Georgia Ratliff, Advisory Board Become an Exhibitor / Vendor. Month Dates Fair County City County Fair Events; May: May-31 - Jun-04: Greene Co. Ag. Admission :Ages 5 and under-free ; Ages 6-17- $10.00 ; Ages 18 . Quality Assurance must be complete by May 1st to be eligibile for Lawrence County Junior Fair exhibition. Amusements Ride Co. Dairy Show (Aryshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey & Milking Shorthorn) Livestock Arena, 3:00 pm CPR Training Community Building, 3:00 pm to SUNSET Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter, 6:00 pm Horse Shoe Pitching Contest Pitching Pits, 6:00 pm Goat Dress Up Contest Swine Arena, 6:30 pm Wilmington High School Marching Band Midway, 7:00 pm Corn Hole Tournament Dog Pavilion Sponsored by Reed Services, 7:00 pm Cowboy Mounted Shooting Demonstration Horse Arena, 7:30 pm Chris Higbee Concert Grandstands, 7:30 pm Magic Man TJ Hill Community Building, 8:00 pm Dairy Delight Night/ Cheese Auction/ Calf Dress Up Livestock Arena, 10:00 am Apple Butter Demonstration -Grange Building, 10:00 am Poultry Showmanship Swine Arena, 4:00 pm Swine Showmanship/ Market Hog Show Livestock Arena, 4:00 pm Childrens Pedal Pull Contest Dog Pavilion, 6:30 pm Paw Printz 4-H Dog Club Demonstration Dog Pavilion, 6:30 pm Laurel High School Marching Band Midway, 6:30 pm Great Gospel Night featured Down East Boys Community Building, 7:30 pm Truck & Tractor Pulls by PPL & Northwestern PA Truck & Tractor Pullers Grandstand, 9:00 am Tractor Driving Contest Laurel High School, 10:00 am Jr. Livestock Skill-a-Thon Livestock Arena, 1:00 pm Jr. ATOD has monthly meetings and the public is welcome to attend. In , Lawrence County Fair pre-registration for the Exhibit Building.On August 14 from 10:00 to 2:00 you may come to the Exhibit building and pre-register.For more information call James Ratliff 501-454-5200 Pre-registration form http://www.lawrencecountyarkansas.com/LC-fair-preregister.docx, Annual Lawrence County Fair Auto Show Sloan-Hendrix School- Imboden, Arkansas Saturday $20.00 Entrance Fee * Dash Plaques for First 150 Entrants 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies * Trophy for Best Teenage Entry Registration- 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Judging takes place at 12:00 noon Awards at 3:00 pm Live Music by JR Rogers , All the latest news and information concerning the Lawrence County Fair & PRCA Rodeo Lawrence County Fair Pageants August 12th-13th. Find upcoming events in St. Lawrence County using our Event Calendar. http://www.lawrencecountyarkansas.com/lawrence-county-fair/. 4-H Passes pay $4 daily to ride. In addition to setting and approving the dates for the independent and county fairs, the Ohio Department of Agriculture is responsible for helping to assure the safety of fair amusement rides, monitoring livestock shows to help assure honest competition and coordinating animal health efforts with local veterinarians. The Lawrence County Fair includes a family night, PRCA rodeo, a car show, educational/commercial , The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Coalition of Lawrence County is a drug prevention coalition whose primary goal is to reduce underage drinking within Lawrence County. Clifford Rorex Please support our sponsors! Proctorville Ohio 45669, Fair Dates: Roger Helms, Davis Matthews with Paid Admission. Angie Gallaher 8:00 am- 12:00 pm- Check in Educational Building (after 12 will be closed for judging.) November 19, 2021 - 2:46pm -- fraley.171@osu.edu. day until July 16th at 12:00pm inclusive, and are obtainable Butte/Lawrence County Fair. Zoom. The annual celebration of food, agriculture and entertainment got underway Monday morning with the traditional flag raising, ribbon cutting and opening . October 18 - October 23. December 20, 2021 Country Life, Top Headlines Leave a comment. 465 - module_15534 EventTitleModule moduleMedium. Denny Durham Lawrence County Fair (Proctorville) July 8-July . Rental Information. Northwest. CLICK HERE to see the schedule of events! PARKING Festival information may not be up to date due to COVID-19, but you can view our list of cancellations here. Entry forms may be downloaded here at lawrencecountyarkansas.com and the forms willneed to , Anyone interested in reserving a space at the Lawrence County Fairin the Commercial Building should contact Georgia Ratliff at501-412-6753 or Debbie Helms at 870-528-4120. Fair Housing Notice 2022 - English; Fair Housing Notice 2022 - German; Fair Housing Resolution . PRCA , Secure, Monitor, and Properly Dispose of Rx Drugs, 2022 Lawrence County Fair Educational Building/ 4-H Entries, Cookie Jar Contest/ Lawrence County Fair Scholarship, Lawrence County Fair Scholarship Recipients, Shirey Bay-Rainey Brake Wildlife Management Area. Three rivers, the Strawberry, Spring, and Black flow through the county. Lead Line Registration (Dept 22 Section 302) Admission is $10 per day, 65 and older $5.00 - with proper ID; and daily parking costs $5. with a magic show, Bounce Houses, a Mechanical Bull, petting zoo, games, and food. Thursday-August 18th- Lawrence County Fair created the Scheduled Events page to help our fans keep up with all the different events happening over the course of one week. Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 17, 2023. SOCIETY dsgates2@att.net, Lawrence 2022 Lawrence County Fair Dates - Lawrence County Fair. Live Events, Winter Storage | Lawrence County, Pennsylvania 724-654-7745 2022 Lawrence County Fair Handbook. During the summer months, Ohio has Ohios 94 county and independent fairs as well as the Ohio State Fair, which is July 26-Aug. 6. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR. 8:00am 9:30aminHome-Ec Building Imboden, Arkansas is the home of the annual Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo held in mid August of each year. CAMPING Rodeo Clown Trent McFarland. Skip Navigation Links Fairs > Members > Northwest > Lawrence County Fair. Download complete 2022 Fair Schedule. and Season Passes will pay $8 daily if they desire to ride. Royce Helms From making announcements over the loudspeaker, handing . TICKET $40 12 - with proper ID (Includes Grandstand and Rides) Receipts and statements are available on the web site, www.lawrencecountycollector.com You can now pay by phone: 1-800-652-0405. 2022 and May 1, 2023; certificates of completion must be sent to fraley.171@osu.edu. PARKING Lawrence County Fair, July 8th - 15th. Our hope is the guidebook provides you with all the essential information in an attempt to put the 4-H club . Please fill this form out to have with you upon the registration date. . (Admitted All Nine Days - Includes Grandstand), SEASON 12:00 noon- 3:00 pm- JR Rogers and the All Star Band The Paulding County Fair will . Mission: The mission of the ATOD Coalition of Lawrence , Welcome to the home of the Lawrence County Office Of Emergency Services. Membership Baked Goods Dept. Nick Bagwell Of f-Premises Form. 464 Midway Road New Castle, PA 16101. His entire life involved the dairy industry. The Lawrence County Fair in Proctorville will run July 8-15. Please make certain to obtain your number before bringing items to the Fair. 7:00 pm -9:00pm- Kids Fun Rodeo. Secure, Monitor, and Properly Dispose of Rx Drugs, 2022 Lawrence County Fair Educational Building/ 4-H Entries, Cookie Jar Contest/ Lawrence County Fair Scholarship, Lawrence County Fair Scholarship Recipients, Shirey Bay-Rainey Brake Wildlife Management Area. See Who's Going to Lawrence County Fair 2022 in New Castle, PA! We will have Trophies for the top three, best in the show, people's choice, kid's choice, and sheriff's choice. Lawrence County Natural Resources Committee Proposed Meeting Agenda and Meeting Information ~ REVISED MEETING DATE and LOCATION. During the past two events, we have welcomed over 1,200 Lawrence Countians to share this message. 2022 EVENT REGISTRATION. 2022 Award Donors. 21N Monday, July 18, 2022 Lawrence County Fair Housing Ordinance 1989; Fair Housing Notice. Fall River County Fair in Edgemont (Aug. 1-5) Kicking off with a Playday event at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday (Aug. 1), this extended weekend in western South Dakota will feature 4-H livestock shows, Ag Olympics, a free chuckwagon feed . Filter by location, search specific events, or just browse! (Marion)* Clinton County Fair (Wilmington)* Lawrence County Fair (Proctorville) Madison County Fair (London) WEEK OF JULY 10 . Exofficio Fair Officials The civic club took over its management in 1950; the Fair began in the late 1800s as events . Contact Us Lawrence County Fair. This year we are excited to announce a musical performance by Chris Higbee as well as Motor-X Gold Cup Racing, Drag Races and the perennial fan favorite , PAY ONE PRICE ADMISSION $10.00 includes Rides & Grandstands Monday Family Day All Admissions $5.00 Free Admission for children age 3 and under. 12:00 noon- Livestock Check Out Fair Schedule: 9:00 am - Open & Jr. Fairest Of The Fair. August 2 - 6th, 2016. Join Now: Vendors | Artists | Already PRO? Everfest stands in solidarity with the Black community and supports the fight for justice and equality. All passes Towns and villages across the region host celebrations both big and small, including parades, firework shows, carnival rides, live music & entertainment, food trucks and more. Home Fair Week Fair Schedule. Fair Schedule. The Lawrence County PRCA Rodeo - Generations Pro Rodeo, August 19th and 20th at 8:00 pm. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), South Point woman specializes in macram creations, New safety Innovation Grants available to Ohio schools through Yosts office, Death at adult group home being investigated. . Admission :Ages 5 and under-free ; Ages 6-17- $10.00 ; Ages 18 and up $15.00. The LCF will , DO I NEED AN EXHIBITORS NUMBER TO ENTER ITEMS? 2022 Schedule Of Events . 21N 1:00 p.m: 4-H Dog Show, Bldg. Anyone other than that person entering with pass The Lawrence County Fair in Proctorville will run July 8-15. scareground schedules scareground rules SCAREGROUND CAMPING CONTRACT, Dairy, Beef & Goat 2022 Breeding Sheep 2022 Carcass 2022 Horse 2022 Market Animal 2022 Rabbit 2022 LEAD LINE ENTRY FORM Waiver of Liability 2022-Fair-Queen-Application, The Lawrence County Fair welcomes any new vendor to the fair. Junior Livestock Premium Sale-. 724-654-7745 Fax: 724-654-8772 lawcofair@gmail.com. We are providing great opportunities for Livestock Breeders, Agricultural Exhibitors, Homemakers and 4-H and FFA members to display to the public their products, crafts, clothing, baked goods and animals. . That aspect still exists, with judging in categories that include baking, food preservation, quilting, and field and forage crops. Venue The Lawrence County 4H Fairgrounds 11265 US Highway 50W Bedford, IN 47421 United States + Google Map Phone: 812-583-8921 Scioto Countys fair is set for Aug. 7-12. The Fair is sponsored by the Lawrenceburg Rotary Club and held at Lawrenceburg's Rotary Park. Pageants*Live Music *Kids Night * Games* Food* Exhibits*Livestock Show*Classic Auto Show*Rodeo. 5:00 -8:00pm will open again. Bedford, Indiana. Other classes 17 and under. 24, BRUNION BLAZAKS ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS SHOW, BALLOON ART, HOOLA HOOPERS AND MORE by Dragonfly Balloons, HITCHIN POST PONY RIDES FREE RIDES ON MONDAY, 9:00 am Dairy Goat Breed Judging with Boer Goat Show following (Open & Jr.)- Swine Arena, 11:00 am Jr. 2022 Barn Meeting. If you love fairs and carnival rides, St. Lawrence County is a great place to be during the summer months. Dino - Roar. Categories range from photography, art, crafts, baked goods, quilts, clothing, horticulture, food preservation, clothesline art for kids, and a special youth contest to decorate and enter a cookies jar to be auctioned off to raise money for the Lawrence County Fair Scholarship. Corey Jackson in concert August 17th! Lawrence County Fair Pageants will be held August 13 & 14th, 2022. Visit Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (Website) 2022 Visitors Guide (pdf) NEWS AND EVENTS. We accomplish this . July 9th - 16th, 2022 Fairest of the Fair beauty contests are a longtime tradition and are now held at the Historic Crockett Theatre. . We want to. Cattle, poultry, and light manufacturing also contribute to the economy. Buckeye Cards. Dairy Judging Contest Livestock Arena, 1:00 pm Beef Cattle Fitting Contest Livestock Arena, 4:00 pm Brunion Blazaks Royal Bengal Tiger Show, 4:00 pm Master Showman Contest Livestock Arena, 6:30 pm Mohawk High School Marching Band Midway, 7:30 pm Lead Line Contest Livestock Arena, 7:30 pm Rafter Z Rodeo Company presents Bulls and Barrels Grandstand, 7:30 pm Car Cruise Music by the Dorals Dog Pavilion, 9:00 am Antique Tractor Pull Grandstand (weigh-in starts at 8), 9:00 am Garden Tractor Pulls Grandstand (weigh-in starts at 8), 10:00 am Jr. Livestock Sale Livestock Arena, 12:00 pm to SUNSET Helicopter Rides by Spiker Helicopter, 6:30 pm LCF Mullet Contest Dog Pavilion, 6:30 pm Grove City High School Marching Band Midway, 724-654-7745 Family Night in the park August 18th Bounce houses, petting zoo, magic show, games, and food! The Jackson County fair will be July 13-22. Alicia | Black Rock | Hoxie| Imboden | Lynn | Minturn | Portia | Powhatan | Ravenden| Sedgwick | Smithville | Strawberry | Walnut Ridge. Use of invalid numbers may , Directions from the West (Youngstown, OH) Head northeast on Federal Plaza Central toward Federal Plaza E Continue onto Wick Ave Turn right onto E Rayen Ave Continue onto Oak St Continue onto US-422 E/McCartney Rd Continue to follow US-422 E , The Board of Directors would like to thank you for supporting the Lawrence County Fair! 4-H Crafts Sections 182-183 and 191 -194, 4:00 pm 8:00 pm in Home-Ec Building 95.3 The Wolf Country Showdown Finals. Everything you might need to become a fair vendor, hosting your own event at the fair grounds, becoming the fair queen, entry forms, becoming a sponsor and much more! https://www.facebook.com/Lawrence-County-Fairgrounds-Rentals-106958091474613/ 2022 Fair Dates: July 9-16, 2022 Set up will be on Monday August 15 after 3:00 p.m. It also has excellent fishing. The Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo is a week long event that takes place in Imboden, Arkansas. Details Start: July 9, 2022 End: July 16, 2022 Event Category: Event. 7755 County Road 107, Proctorville, OH 45669 The original courthouse was at Powhatan and was destroyed by fire in 1885. The park consists of 645 acres with 96 campsites scattered among the trees. June 15, 2022; A Adams July 1721 Allen July 2631. CONCESSIONAIRE Lawrence County Government Center 430 Court Street New Castle, PA 16101-3503 724-658-2541 Contact Us FruitDept. Livestock Ownership Dates for 2022. 2022 Ohio fair schedule. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. PLEASE CALL THE FAIR OFFICE FOR RENTAL RATES. Project Roundup Dept. It is a 8 day event organised by Lawrence County Fair and will conclude on 22-Aug-2022. Daily Schedule. Sheep riding ages- 5 years and younger. Junior Livestock Premium Sale Rules: 1. During the past two events, we have welcomed over 1,200 Lawrence Countians to share this message. More Details to Follow: Check back here for information pertaining to the Robotics Challenge, date & time details. If you are interested in being a vendor or have any questions with regards to commercial space, concession or vendor fees and rules, please contact the Fair Office at , FRIEND OF THE FAIR: $1 $100 Name listed on Sponsor Board prominently displayed on the fairgrounds. & Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Lawrence County Fairgrounds. SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2022 . Adult Food: Dept 15- Sections 2, 3 & 5 10:00 am- Livestock Judging in show barn. Yes. 65 and over $5.00 are non-transferable. The archives were saved because they were stored in a stone vault and today they are a part of the Powhatan State Park Museums regional archive. Rules and forms are available to download and print at http://www.lawrencecountyarkansas.com/fair/2022-lawrence-county-fair-pageant/, Cornhole Tournament Monday, August 15th at 6:00 pm. Jim Jones The Paulding County Fair will kick off the 2023 fair season on June 12, and the season will wrap up on Oct. 14 with the Fairfield County Fair. Publication of festival information does not imply endorsement by or affiliation with Everfest. Check-in for Rabbits will be held at 5:00 pm. We are here to help The economy is made up of agriculture, with rice, soybeans, and milo as leading crops. to the Lawrence County Fair. Oneness of Lawrence County Uniting Community - 3rd Annual Event. Joe Wallis There are a number of mayors up for re-election this year. 2022 SCHEDULED EVENTS. fair food, vendors, games & more! Give title of booth in larger letters and the name of the club or community in smaller letters. Apiary & MapleDept. The Lawrence County PRCA Rodeo Generations Pro Rodeo, August 19th and 20th at 8:00 pm. Livestock Entry Card. Schedule: Saturday, July 16, 2022 9:00 a.m: 4-H Hand Pet and Cat Show, Bldg. The Middle Tennessee District Fair (MTDF) gets underway on September 23 and continues through October 1, the first nine-day event in the Fairs history. 2022 County Fair Dates. Sheep riding, goat tying, barrel racing. Granger Smith Concert. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE - Call 466-2638 or visit web site. As always, Wade Shows will fill the Fair midway with carnival rides and games for the young and young at heart. WE HAVE GOOD THINGS GROWING!! Contact Us Winter storage will only be accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and , Looking for a venue to host your event such as reunions, birthdays, and graduation parties? REGISTRATION & ENTRIES ARE DUE IN THE FAIR OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING: Camping Registrations 11 Sections 2-16, 4-H Clothing (Section 181) by assignment in 4-H Building IMPORTANT NOTICE Premium Checks will NOT be given during the week of the Fair. older $5.00 - with proper I.D. UNION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. Visitors can view winners in these and many other classes in Rotary Parks east gym. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE - Call 466-2831, fax 466-3931 or e-mail lcmoassessor . in the Lawrence County Agricultural Society are on sale each 6:00 pm Horse Halter Class in the Lawrence County Fair Rodeo Arena, 6:00-6:45pm entries taken for sheep riding. Dept. 9:00 am-3:00 pm- Auto Show, 9: 00am-9:00 pm-Educational Exhibit Building open, 10:00 am- Livestock Premium Auction- Cookie Jar Auction for Scholarships, 12:00 noon- Auto Show Judging UPPER S.C. STATE FAIR. Our county seat is Walnut Ridge. 19 people interested. Lawrence County Fair. admission $5.00, 10:00am-8:00 pm-Educational Exhibit Building open, 10:00 am-Commercial Building open ( old Sloan-Hendrix Gym). Each year the Scheduled Events change somewhat, so we want everyone to be able to know when we make sure everyone is updated to these changes. Save The Date: April 30, 2023 at The Scottish Rite Cathedral for our 3rd annual free, family friendly community-wide event. By accessing our site, you agree to the terms of Everfest's privacy policy. 13 Children under 24 months admitted free. This website uses cookies to provide our visitors with a great user experience. From family friendly art Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo will be August 15-20 2022.. Lawrence County Fair Pageants will be held August 13 & 14th, 2022. Lawrence County Fair Pageants will be held August 13 & 14th, , Imboden, Arkansas is the home of the annual Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo held in mid August of each year. We accomplish this by establishing community readiness through public education, risk assessment, planning, exercise, and interagency cooperation. 2022 4-H Animal Early Release information can be found below. Lawrence County is Hiring October 31, 2022-Looking for a job, Lawrence County Government Center is hiring Sheriff's Deputies, Caseworkers, Correction Officers, APO Officers. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Pinterest *Harness racing. (Includes Grandstand). Section 504 Officer. Adult Needlecraft :Dept 18 Please visit our webpage to find the Car Show entry form to be entered into the show. Taking entries at 5:00 pm. Find out more about Lawrence County Office of Emergency Services by visiting them at: http://www.lawrencecountyarkansas.com/office-of-emergency-services/. 2, 3, 4, 6, 101-109) College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, 2023Lawrence County Junior Fair Tag-In Dates, Rules & Regulations, 2023 Junior Fair Schedule (coming Spring 2023), 2023 Club Beautification Sign Up (coming Spring 2023), 2023 Skillathon Study Guide (coming Spring 2023). Dairy, Beef & Goat 2022 Breeding Sheep 2022 Carcass 2022 Horse 2022 Market Animal 2022 Rabbit 2022 LEAD LINE ENTRY FORM Waiver of Liability 2022-Fair-Queen-Application. The 2022 Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo will take place in Imboden, Arkansas. September 1 - September 11. NO REFUNDS All completed forms may be printed and mailed to: Lawrence County Fair PO Box 791 Imboden, AR 72434 All applicants must participate in the Lawrence County Fair to be considered. $10.00.. ages 5 and under free. Midget Wrestling Warriors. 2, 3, 4, 6, 101-109) Club Exhibits (Dept 10 Sections 201-203) Lead Line Registration (Dept 22 Section 302) Fair , A MESSAGE FROM KAITY REIMERS, THE 2021 LCF FAIR QUEEN: On August 15th, I was crowned as the 2021 Lawrence County Fair Queen. Monkey Man. 10:00 am-Commercial Building open ( old Sloan-Hendrix Gym), 6:00 pm- Open Cattle Show (entry fee $10 per entry). Welcome to beautiful Lawrence County, Arkansas. number of vendor spaces are still available. Livestock Entries (Depts. The Lawrence County 4-H Fair will be held July 30th - August 5th, 2022. 2016 Fair Schedule. Shane Dail 464 Midway Road New Castle, PA 16101. 2021 Auction Support. 21, 9:00am 10:00 am in 4-H Building 724-654-7745 Fax: 724-654-8772 lawcofair@gmail.com. County Road 107 | Columbus, Ohio 43210 | 614-292-6181 Financial Report has been filed in accordance with ORC 1711.05 The 2022 Lawrence County Fair and PRCA Rodeo will take place in Imboden, Arkansas. Eggs:Dept. Welcome to the Lawrence County Fair. 2.Exhibitor may only have one animal entry entered in the premium sale. 464 Midway Rd, New Castle, PA 16101 You can find out about ATOD and how to join right here at lawrencecountyarkansas.com by clicking the link! Adult Arts & Crafts: Dept 19 Annual Lawrence County Fair Auto Show Sloan-Hendrix School- Imboden, Arkansas Saturday $20.00 Entrance Fee * Dash Plaques for First 150 Entrants 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies * Trophy for Best Teenage Entry Registration- 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Judging takes place at 12:00 noon Awards at 3:00 pm City: New Castle County: Lawrence Phone: (724) 654-7745 . Name listed on , We offer space for rent for the storage of vehicles, campers and boats during the winter months. The guidebook is officially located at go.osu.edu/lawco4hguidebook on our lawrence.osu.edu website, so it can be accessed at anytime. Jake Stallings, Honorary Advisory Enter your items to be judged at the Lawrence County Fair. Matoon Pond Farm was . Ryan Jones, Chase Dejournett Junior Show- Friday. 11 Section 1 7:00 PM - Fair Queen Pageant - Community Building. Deadline to register for the fair is JULY 1ST 2022! Online. (re) admitted if space is available. The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Coalition of Lawrence County is a drug prevention coalition whose primary goal is to reduce underage drinking within Lawrence County. To see a full schedule of events, ticket sales, and more, visit the Lawrenceburg Rotary Clubs website. Dont forget all the classicssuch as Rides & Games, Great Food and Exhibits. Rides & Games, Great Food and Exhibits and much more throughout the year. Welcome to the 2022 Douglas County Free Fair See it all at the Douglas County Free Fair where everyone comes for good old-fashioned fun It's a great event for all ages in Lawrence, Kansas. The Lawrence County Fair will take place August 15th- 20th. Schedule: 7:00am - 9:00am: 4-H and FFA Market Hog Weigh-in (Large Animal Barn)10:00am - 11:30am: Livestock Skillathon Open (4-H Breezeway)9:00am - 2:00pm: 4-H The Lawrence County Fair includes a carnival, PRCA rodeo, a car show, educational/commercial booths, livestock judging, exhibits, pageants, and more. Exhibitors numbers can be obtained by calling 724-654-7745 or via email: lcfpremiumoffice@gmail.com.
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