26. Does "Under Review" mean that the paper has passed the editorial check? //-->Reviews for "Nature Methods" - Page 1 - SciRev For example; What was the final goal and what stakeholder input lead to that outcome. n/a: n/a: 8.0 days: n/a: n/a: n/a: Rejected (im.) In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles ______________________________________________________________________________________________________, This ensures compliance with our editorial policies related to research ethics and reproducibility, as well as competing interests, authorship, data and code availability. In the best-case scenario, the process from submission to acceptance will take just a few months. ISSN 1548-7091 (print), Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). A manuscript under editorial consideration indicates that the work has not been rejected out of hand, but is being given a second look. Status change from "under review" to "decision in process" to "with editor" again. The operating mode of Nature Publishing Group is to ensure the impact factor. Hi Y'all, Hope everybody's doing well. Editors will not send resubmitted papers to the reviewers if it seems that the authors have not made a serious attempt to address all the referees criticisms. the second sentence means that you have passed this initial check and that your ms has (or will be) sent to the reviewers. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Besides scope, novelty, potential interest, and practical value, we look at the meat of the paper: have the authors justified the advance over previous methods? But because we are not active scientists, we have no competing scientific or financial interests that might bias us toward or against a manuscript. [CDATA[> We allow reviewers to reveal their identities to authors, should they so choose, and we also offer double-blind peer review as an author choice. Exclusivity. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions? Submission enquiries: [emailprotected] General enquiries: [emailprotected] Submit manuscript Important information Editorial board For authors For editorial board members For reviewers. "manuscript under editorial consideration" nature "manuscript under editorial consideration" nature. The work was considered important, however, not of high enough interest for a broader audience. We will acknowledge receipt of your submitted manuscript by email. >> We have added brief of the methods and results. This is because you have been informed that your paper is under consideration for publication. Our decisions are only made on the basis of editorial considerations, such as scientific significance, broad implications and breadth and depth of the results described in the manuscript. Privacy Policy. Full disclosure: Editage Insights is a product of Editage, a global provider of world-class scientific communication solutions. Awaiting decision means that the file is complete and we have not yet made a decision yet. What does a quick change from 'Under consideration' to 'Decision made' back to 'Under consideration' mean for Nature? the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in About half of the papers initially sent for peer review are published in Nature Methods. The aims of the workshops were to consensually decide changes in cafeteria, clarify roles of each stakeholder and develop monitoring strategies. Authors requests to exclude reviewers are always honored, as long as the list is reasonable. Before final acceptance, we request that corresponding authors of accepted papers link their Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their manuscript tracking system account ORCID instructions. published after the submission date of a manuscript under consideration would not be "considered relevant to the editorial assessment" of the manuscript. Center of Methods for Implementation and Prevention Science, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America, 3 Thank you for your question. We suggest that authors send proofs to co-authors for them to check, but request that changes among the co-authors are coordinated so that only one author communicates with Nature and only one set of corrections is sent. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Internet Explorer).