Contaminated: Groundwater Soil. The Defense Department needs to notify veterans, dependents and civilian workers of the contaminants and their health effects at EPA Superfund sites. ok We use cookies on our website to allow you the best possible service. To this day, these servicemembers are denied protections under the PACT ACT. I was diagnosed in 2000 with a liver problem. Orange County's Tustin Marine Corps Air Station has contaminated one well with 770,000 ppt of PFOS/PFOA. [2] The airfield was 6,000 ft by 400 ft and began operating in November 1942. Date Posted: 1/23/2009 10:59:23 AM. I am going to site Camp Lejeune as possible proof that MCAS Tustin and El Toro caused these conditions. I have to take medication in order to just swallow including liquids due to me esophagus not working properly. Most of these heroes were denied benefits by the VA. The Site Management Plan (SMP) details the activities to address the known or suspected residual contamination on the "Site", defined as a portion of MCAS, Tustin, ~805.5 acres, and is further described as Tract No. However, in 1985, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), after much scientific analysis was undertaken, the Marine Corps Air Station Tustin was declared a Superfund site. YzExZDVhMjhkMzNhN2QwMGIwZWZjNmZhMDQ5ZWQzNDNmZDQzODI2MGNmYzQx James M. Montgomery Engineers, Inc. 1988. The source was not known and there was concern that we could have a major explosion unless the source was determined and fixed. Based on extensive investigation of the El Toro base that was carried out by Navy contractors, the place is best described as 'Toxic Soup' as our writer Roger Butow in Laguna Beach has reasoned. Like many other bases, MCAS El Toro used TCE to degrease aircraft parts. U.S. military officials say the fee is a tax, and that federal agencies are exempt from local and state taxes. Define MCAS Tustin. It was commissioned in October of that year as one of two new blimp bases on the west coast. Human health effects of trichloroethylene: key findings and scientific issues. The City of Tustin reported spending approximately $680,000 on capital improvements for the South Hangar through June 30, 2019, and planned an additional $4,300,000 to improve the functionality. MCAS Tustin by Paul Freeman This field was originally built as a blimp base in 1942 as Santa Ana Naval Air Station. This is in stark contrast to Irvine's handling of MCAS El Toro, which they have billed as a future park and housing community, for which it is vastly unfit as a dangerously toxic, EPA Superfund site. Four areas are currently closed, while eight are still in the study phase. Purpose of this petition is request the Navy's Public Health Center to evaluate the risks of occupational exposure to TCE and other contaminants at MCAS El Toro, including the El Toro Marine Corps School (ETMS) and to perform a chromosome breakage test (blood test) to confirm radiation exposure. NzJjNWY5NTViYjBjOWRiY2IzNTEyMGY4OGU2YWFiMTFlYWY4YTFlYTRlZDEx Risk Not Required. The Marines conducted their own study and found TCE-contaminated ground water at three locations on the base. Chiu WA, Jinot J, Scott CS, Makris SL et al. We need to get this information and message out to all of our fellow Marine brothers and sisters and their families. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 18 Jan 2023 19:25:33 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. School children, whose small bodies are less resistant to contamination with . When you pass through the Marine Corps Air Station (Helicopter) Tustin, you will see two giant decommissioned blimps reminding you of the height of US innovation and their road to military success. Now has early parkinson his va physician feels is from tce use. I have filed a claim, well see what happens. Semper Fi. Constructed of Oregon Douglas fir, they are among the largest freestanding wooden structures in the world at 1072 feet long by 292 feet wide by 192 feet tall. Tim King: Ray, that is so amazing to read, it must be tough to see it as it is today, if you can share any details about the earliest days I would be extremely interested. Marine Corps Air Stations (MCAS) El Toro Documentary Christian Michael Speaks 2.2K views 1 year ago Why the Airship May Be the Future of Air Travel Undecided with Matt Ferrell 1.6M views 1 year. I was at Tustin with HMT-301 and HMM-164 and TME from Nov 1979-Sep 1981I remember jet fuel and the cleaning racksand the fields all around us. The DOD data from Tustin, a base that closed in 1999, only includes information on two types of PFAS chemicals - PFOS and PFOA. According to the Federal government, the PFAS used at bases is in the form of firefighting aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). MzBiM2U5NjExZjhjMmMyYThlOGM0ZDhjZGE1MGU1MWUxMmNmZTAwYzU0MjYz My dad was a 30 year Marine he loved his job, but he got Parkinson's and died 2 years ago. _________________________________________. Orange County's Tustin Marine Corps Air Station has contaminated one well with 770,000 ppt of PFOS/PFOA. YzJkYWY2OWZiZTEzMzAxYTg4NjVlMzcxM2NmZjViZWFkYzk1MDdjNDM2NjI0 I also lost a daughter to leukemia in 2008. Its hard to come to grips that a Marine or any other military officer dedicates their life to the service only to find that the VA lacks empathy. From the article, Irvine Great Park CEO Michael D. Ellzey: Is This Man An Imposter? Environ Health Perspect 107(4):265-71. At this point I continue to have polyps removed from my bladder. Lets go over the history of MCAS(H) Tustin chemical exposure and how West Coast veterans are still suffering from service-related illnesses based on testing and analysis. As Roger Butow pointed out at the time, Agron knew damned well that the ground under the flightline was more toxic than anything we already knew about, they had no choice. I can't say exactly what happened, I recall being told the lines had rusted out and I'm sure that probably is exactly what happened. In 2011, Ray was officially diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular disease that left him crippled in a wheelchair requiring a respirator to assist in breathing during his last few months. When people say were slow, I think its a fair criticism, Holm said. If so, can anyone imagine how much jet fuel might have seeped into the ground? YjY5OWIyYjNkZGU0M2Q5NDc4MGJkYjAzOTNiMDkwMzE0Mzk1ZGE3MmFjNzJh I still love the corps, semper fi. In addition, a hazardous waste recycling program has been launched on the bases to sell unused or contaminated jet fuel, solvents, paints and petroleum-based products to civilian contractors. We know they were both used extensively at MCAS El Toro and MCAS Tustin. In February 1944, it became an Outlying Field (OLF) to . I spent time at both El Toro and Tustin along with Cherry Point, New River, and Cecil Field. did lease land to a local agricultural concern that seemed to have a year round program growing vegetables as close to the base roads and flight line areas as possible. Immediately, I left my home in Oceanside and drove to Tustin. HAZMAT did not exist until the early 90s and has only recently become an other than collateral duty. MDNkYzZlYzU2NDIyOGE0ZGQzMmE5OGY1YjQ3M2FiMWMxNTY5NmMwMzhkYjgx I do recall thinking that there was a lot of chemicals being used to fertilize and control insects while growing several crops a year. All opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ZDkxOTA5NjZlOWQzMTdmNWFkYzllNzA3MmU2ZmU1Yjg3NmQ4Nzg3NmU5OWJk Thanks, (I am in Portland). OGE1Y2U5MjU5OTdhMzQwYjYwOWI4M2IyNjdmMzc1YjExYTY1MGViN2E3MmY0 Part of the problem, Holm said, is the bureaucratic nature of the military. I wanted to post some information about benefits for those of you that have military service, have a disability, are having financial hardships and dont know where to turn. ----- Date: 09/24/97 DECLARATION SITE NAME AND LOCATION Site 24, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Source Area - Operable Unit 2A (OU-2A) - Vadose Zone Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro Santa Ana, California 92709 STATEMENT OF BASIS AND PURPOSE This Interim Record of Decision (ROD) presents the selected remedial action for vadose zone soil at Site 24 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El . Thank you for covering Tustin, many people are not aware as MCAS Tustin is not a large bleep on anyone's radar anymore. Written by Personal Injury Warriors on November 25, 2022. The extremely quick and secretive cleanup or coverup I should say was driven by greed of developers wanting the property, coupled with the Dept. Concerned that further delays would only worsen the situation, the Orange County Water District launched its own $1.2-million investigation, drilling a series of test wells near the base. Marines have been exposed to trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), suffered serious health consequences, and have no idea of what hit them. Roger Butow has pointed to the fact that the system at MCAS El Toro to remove the TCE contamination from the groundwater, captures the toxic liquid and discharges it raw and untreated into the Pacific Ocean through an outfall pile a short distance off the coast of South Laguna. Similarly, 11 such sites have been identified at the Tustin base. I agree with the post by Phillip, the common practices, dumping and spills, no protection, ect. . The Environmental Protection Agency identified 12 sites for cleanup. I was based at MCAS Tustin 85-89. Thanks for the update. My daughter was born while we lived there. It cant hurt to check it out. 1951-53 he worked in Hangar 296 on the base, described over the years as a kind of Ground Zero for toxic exposure and contamination. I currently have been diagnosed with an accessory spleen on the tail of my pancreas. . NWVlNDIxOGRjYzkzNmYyMjVmZTcyZDc1OWZkNTBlY2VhMjVlN2NkZjJmZTFl description of environmental contamination at military bases, particularly Camp Lejeune and former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro ("El Toro"). MDFiOTdiMWYzMzkzZWIyZjNiZDIyYjlhMzc0Nzg4ZDI1MGJkODUyYjU5YmE3 It was even common practice at many installations, including El Toro, to spray dirt lots and vacant fields with petroleum wastes and chemicals to control dust on windy days. If you are suffering from illnesses resulting from your time as a serviceman, it could be due to exposure to deadly chemicals. MCAS Tustin, located in Tustin and Irvine, CA, consisted of approximately 1,600 acres. Aircraft parts were then lowered in a basket into the vat. NjgyZTlkOTgxZGM3ODU4ZjA0ZTBiODAwYjc3OGNmNzcxMWRmMzdlOWZjMjZm As an EPA Superfund site, El Toro's MWG-37 area is so toxic, that the asphalt in a warm summer day becomes sticky and actually will adhere to your car tires after being parked for only fifteen or so minutes, as I learned in 2008. According to the City of Tustin's, 'Tustin Legacy' Website, MCAS Tustin- (LTA) has an environmental history of contamination that includes but is not limited to, solvents and jet fuel supporting the base operations, and pesticides associated with the agricultural uses. YzI5MjBjNzE3N2Y0OWRjZjA1MDMzYzBhOTI3MzIwZDM0NDI0NjNlNjQ2MTQw NjY5MDQxYWMxOGVlODJkYTRmNmNlNTJhOWFjMjVjM2I2ZGVlNjU1Y2Q1NjUx !! We normally used large fuel bags or fuel pods for these tactical operations as they were portable, so this was a hybrid or bastardized version of our normal operation, but it worked. Ray Alkofer spent three years, from 1951 to 1953, stationed at El Toro, where he and thousands of service members were seriously exposed to many dangerous chemicals. MCAS El Toro is dangerously toxic, the city of Irvine is directly impacted.'s John Uldrich, Bob O'Dowd and Tim King at MCAS Tustin in 2009. Since then I've had multiple Electro Cardioversions (shock the heart) as well as a Heart Ablation. In particular, the high . The contamination of the base's wells [and ingestion of toxins in the drinking water] made national news on CNN. These are man-made chemicals that have resistance properties against water, oil, heat, stains, and more. Many approved benefits deny within months of approval due to all the bureaucratic red tape and snail pace investigation. I was stationed from 1973-75. I am not a scientist, but I can look at the associated map and see that the plume from El Toro reaching Irvine, is stretching at least in the general direction of the contaminated government building in Orange. Often times when a de-fuel truck could not be acquired from El Toro, the birds would be towed around the base, especially the civilian produce fields, with the drains left open, until the aircraft was empty! ZWMxNjA0NGVmODViNGQzMWU2OTA0NmQ5NTE0NzYzN2E1YmE1MGMxNjkyZjM1 During the Vietnam War, Tustin became a training ground for US troops, crew chiefs, aircraft pilots, gunners, and other military personnel destined for Vietnam. The contamination is about 150 feet deep beneath the base and 300-700 feet deep in the community area . is an Independent Online Newsgroup in the United States, setting the standard for the future of News. (IRVINE, Calif.) - A number of Marines are now sick and dying from their contact with toxins at MCAS El Toro, such as TCE (trichloroethylene) a chemical used to clean jet fighters; but Marines aren't the only victims. ZmM0YWFmMjY2MGExMDkxMjFkOWRkNWI1MTUwNmMyMTczZDBiN2IzZTdhODM2 I was stationed at MCAS Tustin from 1989-1992. ZTg1NTc2MDU5YWRhODNmYTEzODFiNDgxODMxNTRhZmFmZDRjNmQ2OWU5NTAz NjBmMDY1MzI4Mzc0MzJiNTc2NzQ4M2E2YzYwN2VhYjk5NWI2ZGU5MzYzNDM2 This air station started working in 1942, and it's in Orange County, CA. Keep up the good work! Bill and his sister may never know whether their illness was hereditary or from exposure to TCE. Further, in March 2009 the U.S. EPA determined no "potential vapor intrusion problems" exist in Irvine neighborhoods. TUNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKSIN MCAS. Designated as a Master Jet Base, its four runways (two of 8,000 feet (2,400 m) and two of 10,000 feet . Its primary purpose was to provide support services and material for the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing and for other units utilizing the base. I would like to know more about the effects of these exposures and the medical conditions they may lead to. A few friends and I who normally performed 'tactical refueling' of Marine jets at El Toro, were sent to Tustin to revive the use of a large above-ground jet fuel tank. The base is used by approximately 9,500 active-duty personnel, 6,500 family members, and more than 1,700 civilian employees. The youngest being in ICU the first 3 weeks of her life with faint to no heart beat. Strange that I've never been contacted about it. The pits were used to train Marine firefighters to extinguish fires involving jet fuel in the event a jet fighter or helicopter crashed. ERRG's value engineering analysis during the design process saved the client $100,000 by incorporating existing extraction wells . Tim King: Thank you Alex, it is very important to me also, a population well worth saving. We had a machine that held about 20 gallons that you put your parts into and it would agitate and clean the parts. now im having severe pain and the va cant seem to find out whats causing these issues.coincidence i think not. My generation is only one; writer Bob O'Dowd was at the base a few years before Roger Butow, and John Uldrich was there a few years before Robert, in the 50's. I work, ate, drink and lived on base. is a good place to start. The Pentagon owns 133 EPA Superfund sites, the most of any entity. NGZmN2Y0Njg5MzdkMTQ2ZDlmOGIzZmQ4ZDgyYTc3ZjkzYTkwNTNmMzIxMTAx The government doesnt have to acknowledge responsibility in order for everyone that was at these two bases to file a claim. The United States Department of the Navy (Navy), in coordination with state environmental regulatory agencies, has completed the Fourth Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and. The station overaw military blimps, which were used to patrol the coast during World War II. ZDk0MDUzYjc5YWIwOTFiN2YyNjc3MWZmMTExOTk4NjYwNjIxIn0= About 95 acres are located in the City of Irvine. Tustin announced last week that, due to "deferred federal caretaker activities," it will beef up police presence around the north hangar to clear "trespassers and secure buildings that pose. Laura was the first person to receive disability benefits related to TCE exposure. YjhhOGY0NDAwMDZkM2I1ZGU4ZjUxYzA3NzczY2UwMDEzNmM5MTU5NWM2ZGVm Please pass this story to all Marines who may have served at any of the 3rd Marine Air Wing bases and let's continue to bring people onto the same page. PFAS chemicals are linked to birth defects, infertility, developmental delays and some cancers. ZmViMjg5ZmZhZjExYzNiMmJiZWJkNGQxNTU1ZGQ1NDFmZjM0MjRlNWFlZjJm Tustin is a really nice place, let's hope for the best, thanks so much. The ultimate build-out of the Tustin Legacy project is expected over 20 plus years. Orange County may be in real trouble- contamination cases keep showing up. The list goes on and on, the various chemicals are cancer-causing, the types of cancer vary. But he predicted that the Marines new attitude will be tested as water and health experts begin acting to clean up what is potentially the largest ground-water contamination case in Orange County history. But today, as far as compliance with the underground tank-testing program goes, were very pleased.. 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