Dragon looks up at the chandelier hanging above them and gently lights its candles with her fire breath. I got a dragon here, and I'm not afraid to use it. Nobody move! DONKEY: --a girl dragon! FARQUAAD: Princess Fiona, beautiful, fair, flawless Fiona. Go on this quest for me, and I'll give you your swamp back. DONKEY: What makes you think she'll be there? Let's go! That's another thing we have in common. I'll never be stubborn again. A clever amalgamation of wry adult comedy and bucolic, kid-friendly whimsy, it put a twist on the fairytale format with outrageous trope-smashing characters, a catchy soundtrack . Parfaits are delicious. I mean, after all, you did rescue me. I live alone! Fiona walks out of the cave and glances at Shrek and Donkey who are still sleeping. That's why I can't stay here with Shrek. FARQUAAD: I'll have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days! Keep your legs elevated! The church is packed with citizens. For her true love and true love's first kiss. Donkey hops up onto one of the larger beer barrels. Not there! Shrek and Donkey come out of the field just outside the Duloc parking lot. I'll get you out of there! SHREK: That! Dragon blows a heart-shaped smoke ring at Donkey. With Shrek? They both turn to see him running down the aisle. There are several functions that require your attendance, sir. Next! Understand? MIRROR: So, will it be: bachelorette number one, bachelorette number two, or bachelorette number three? They judge me before they even know me. SHREK: Yeah, sorry, lady. DONKEY: All right, that's what I like to hear, man. SHREK: Sure, it's big enough, but look at the location. If you want to help Shrek, run into the woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns. (holds up 2 fingers) Pick number three, my lord! The Merry Man shoots an arrow at Fiona but she ducks out of the way. Please! Fiona, my love, we're but a kiss away from our "happily ever after." I don't wanna go back there! DONKEY: Yes. Shrek lets out a loud belch. Shrek and Fiona both try to eat dinner but start crying. Here I go. I'm just bringing her back to Farquaad. Baby Bear raises his hand but Papa Bear quickly lowers his hand down. Fiona points downwards at a small arrow jutting out of Shrek's behind. That's my princess! Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! In the center of a stadium-like arena, Duloc Knights are gathered as a large crowd of citizens watches on from the stands. Please welcomeCinderella! According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and Duloc will finally have the perfect king! Its 37000 characters no spaces lll try and find it. SHREK: Just, Donkey - - Let's have a dance then, shall me? The princess and the unknown man land on a limb high above in the trees It is none other than Monsieur Hood, also known as Robin Hood. Not my gumdrop buttons! The crowd cheers and applauds. Really. Like you said, "Who could love a hideous, ugly beast?". Turn your head and cough! Farquaad gestures to the man with the prompter card holds up a card that says 'Laugh'. Now my patience has reached its end! I don't have time for this. You're not coming home with me. DONKEY: You want me to read you a bedtime story? Look, I'm not gonna eat you. Here's what we know. FIONA: Well that's what they always say and thenthenthen the next thing you know, you're on your back. But you can become one. Mama Bear and Papa Bear are locked inside giant cages, with Little Bear in his own cage. MIRROR: (chuckles nervously) So, just sit back and relax, my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. Look, there's Bloodnut the Flatulent. Donkey and Shrek turn to each other and burst out laughing. This horrible, ugly beast! He clears his throat and the table is lowered. I'm makin' waffles. DONKEY: Because that's what friends do! One? That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch. Farquaad grabs ahold of his crown and puts it on. FIONA: II don'tthere's something I have to tell you. Oh! DONKEY: Hey, now. What's he like? Fiona gets up and sets the eggs down in front of them. Well, guess what! DONKEY: Parfaits may be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet. FIONA: It's a spell. Can you forgive me? OLD WOMAN: Oh, oh, he's justhe's just a little nervous. Don't mess with me. Shrek is wary, while Donkey is downright terrified. FIONA: I need to find somewhere to camp-now! The crowd boos. Fiona kneels down and takes Donkey's head in her arms. FARQUAAD: Oh, anxious, are we? Shrek runs inside without catching Donkey, who hits the ground hard. He starts shaking it to try and relapse it from the pulley. FIONA: Okay. SHREK: Oh, I understand. (bites into Shrek's ear), GORDER: Blah! MOUSE 1: Well, gents, it's a far cry from the farm, but what choice do we have? 1 at the domestic box office, it went on to earn nearly $ 500 million worldwide on a production budget of $60 million. Shrek arrives back home. He can talk! You know, Shrek thinks Lord Farquaad's compensating for something, which I think means he has a really Shrek interrupts Donkey by stepping on his foot, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. DONKEY: Okay, so here's another question. He's really quite a chatterbox. Donkey stares silently at Shrek for a moment and then sits down beside him. Can't you see I'm a little busy here? 3. You handle the dragon. Shrek starts pulling down the wall and picks up a large branch. Several of the characters from the movie made their way into the musical, but that doesn't mean they all stayed the same. Shrek lightly tugs at the arrow but stops, wincing in pain. You don't have to worry about a thing. The masked man is dunking what looks to be a small person into the glass of milk. The villager waves his torch in Shrek's face. SHREK: Love me? DONKEY: I just know before this is over, I'm gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy. Up. I'm lookin' down! I don't give permission to-- hey! Shrek looks at Donkey for a second and then reaches to move the boulder back in front of the entrance. You're not supposed to be an ogre! (He spits milk into Farquaad's eye. Shrek dispatches a few more knights with ease. FIONA: Mmm. It's the world that seems to have a problem with me. SHREK: Yeah I know you talked to her last night. SHREK: Oh, you were expecting Prince Charming? Please people, like @codeforester, keep it simple; the best software always is. Shrek jumps over and approaches the bridge, with Donkey joining in behind him. (Thelonius holds up a hand mirror and smashes it with his fist.) I said I like it FIONA: Good morning. Don't get all slobbery. No! [Gasps] Guard 2: Move it along. ButSHHHHHH. Farquaad seems confused but watches on silently. As the bishop talks we see Donkey through one of the windows as Shrek tosses him up so he can see. Look, it's not that bad. All right, hop on and hold on tight. (to Donkey) You! I'm already on a quest. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. DONKEY: Maybe it's a perk! And I know you two were diggin' on each other. SHREK: (Sighs) Alright. He walks up to the door and pauses outside when he hears Donkey and Fiona talking. DONKEY: Okay, that makes me feel so much better. Shrek and Donkey step out onto the arena but don't seem to be noticed. DONKEY: Princess? More guards enter carrying an object covered by a sheet. Shrek manages to pulls his arm free and he whistles loudly. LITTLE BEAR: (crying) This cage is too small. I'll start the plans, for tomorrow we wed! You're amazing. You think that Shrek is your true love? (jumps down to the table). FARQUAAD: I will have order! FIONA: Sure. I was just kidding. I ain't saying anything. Hood brings Fiona's hand to his chest, and then carpets Fiona's arms with kisses as she pulls back in disgust. What are you gonna do with that? Well, if I treated you so bad, how come you came back? Donkey blushes, causing Fiona to chuckle and Shrek to roll his eyes. Dragon sits on a floor littered with a horde of gold coins and jewels. He comes to a halt. She smiles, clears her throat, and holds out a handkerchief. Both Donkey and Shrek's ears lower, taken aback by her outburst. FIONA: I'm sorry, but your job is not my problem. They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin Shrek slowly approaches as the villagers back away in fear. Shrek tries to press on while Donkey tries to make his way back under Shrek. I warn ya! The mention of this Lord Farquaad prompts Fiona to turn around in surprise. DONKEY: I would think, of all people, you would recognize a wall when you see one. Well then who was she talking about? All I have to do is just find someone who can go MIRROR: But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night. Donkey, unable to grab on, falls off but Shrek catches him by the tail. There is no such thing as a "Shrek script google doc." Shrek is a 2001 American computer-animated fantasy film loosely based on the 1990 fairy tale picture book of the same name by William Steig. THE CAPTAIN: Right. I ain't playing no games. Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us. 'Cause I told Shrek those rats was a bad idea. DONKEY: Blue flower, red thorns. No one likes a kiss ass. A knight comes from behind Shrek with his spear ready to attack. Shrek yanks on the door handle only for it to snap off. Take it and go before I change my mind. I'll see you drawn and quartered! Two! She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire breathing dragon. But I like you anyway. Another man is shown walking down the hallway towards a set of doors. I did half the work. That's it right there. I'm gonna die. Shrek marches through the Duloc Knights, who back away in disgust upon noticing him. I think I need a hug. It just needs a few homey touches. His smile is only met with annoyance, which confuses him. FARQUAAD: Congratulations, ogre. Gender-Swapping. The villagers stop outside Shrek's home, unaware that Shrek is sneaking up behind them. VILLAGER 1: Whoa. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. You're right. Oh, God, I can't do this! MIRROR: Well, technically you're not a king. Shrek takes the mug and smashes the spigot off the large barrel of beer behind him. ", SHREK: What did I say about singing? Right. Donkey looks inside from a window, and then lays down by the front door. ), FARQUAAD: I've tried to be fair to you creatures. Donkey reappears ahead of him, dangling from a felled log. The sooner we get to Duloc the better. SHREK: You know, I think I preferred your humming. Later that night Shrek and Donkey are sitting around a campfire. Montage of different scenes. She reverts her attention back to the long-awaited Lord Farquaad. And all she ever do was like you, maybe even love you. (He dodges out the way of a group of witches flying on broomsticks). Dragon roars, causing most of the guards to away in fear. Blue flower, red thorns. Incredible! Look, I-- I talked to her last night She's --. DONKEY: You know what else everybody likes? I don't want to rush into a a physical relationship. DONKEY: Shrek, we can do better than that. They end get into a cat fight and Dragon catches the bouquet instead. With a dragon that breathes fire and eats knights and breathes fire. Fiona breaks away from Hood, who has his hand around her waist. See ya later. This is the transcript for the 2001 film, Shrek . Shrek runs for the cathedral doors but Donkey hurries to get in his way. DONKEY: Ohh! Oh, no. -Five shillings for the possessed toy. They reach the top of the climb and hoist themselves up and over the ridge. Shrek walks in another direction. Donkey falls asleep by the fire outside. The book opens and a voice begins reading its text: SHREK: Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. Her expression changes from confusion to horror as Monsieur Hood sings the last line: MONSIEUR HOOD: I'll take my blade and ram it through your heart, keep your eyes on me, boys 'cause I'm about to start Fiona swings down from the tree limb and kicks Monsieur Hood in the head, knocking him unconscious. Ah! I'm a donkey. DONKEY: But that's it. (pushes the coffin away). A few minutes later, Shrek is rolling a large boulder away from the mouth of a cave. Donkey looks into her eyes as she pets his muzzle, and he calms down. (Smacks Donkey again) Talk, you boneheaded dolt, talk! Shrek and Fiona cross the bridge connecting the tallest tower to the rest of the castle. (he runs inside the hut). It's preposterous! I'm scarier than anything we're going to see in this forest. FIONA: Excuse me. The Mirror reluctantly rewinds and begins to play again from the beginning, displaying the image of Fiona waiting in her tower. The bed's taken. No! Shrek points to her last piece of food. DONKEY: No, I'm just a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety bridge over a boiling like of lava! (Smiles). I'm no one's messenger boy, all right? He stands up with a huff. MONSIEUR HOOD: Please, monster! Dragon lifts Donkey up with her hand. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Please! SHREK: The stars don't tell the future, Donkey. I'm a real boy. They are chased by Dragon through a large hall, her chain looping itself around multiple stone pillars as Shrek zigzags around them. What happened to you? Oh, you must know how it goes: A princess locked in a tower and beset by a dragon is rescued by a brave knight, and then they share true love's first kiss. Hidden in the shadows of the cave, Fiona's eyes were sympathetic. A big, green hand rips out a page of the book and shuts it closed. I'll find us some dinner. Donkey kicks his helmet, and the ding sounds the end of the match. DONKEY: You think Shrek is your true love! Gasps are heard all around. You go back. Do not get comfortable! Throttle him, lay siege to his fortress, grinds his bones to make your bread, the whole ogre trip. DONKEY: Shrek? Shrek burns his foot trying to stomp out the campfire, so Donkey pees on the fire to put it out. DONKEY: (singing) "On the road again", sing it with me, Shrek! (laughs). Show me the princess. She smiles as she turns around to walk up the windmill's steps. Shrek the Third is an action-adventure video game based on the 2007 DreamWorks Animation animated film of the same name, developed by 7 Studios, Gameloft, Amaze Entertainment and Vicarious Visions. FIONA: But we have to savor this moment! Guard 3: Give me that! GUARD: (Taking the witch's broom) Give me that! Shrek puts his entire hand over Fiona's face, stopping her in her tracks. Unsee by either of them, Fiona was peeking around the cave door, eavesdropping on the conversation. Dunking what looks to be a small person into the glass of milk Gasps! To you creatures reach the top of the match, lay siege to his fortress grinds... Group of witches flying on broomsticks ) she turns around to walk up the windmill 's steps eat but! Was peeking around the cave and glances at Shrek for a set of doors snap. Upon her of a cave ( holds up a large boulder away from our `` happily ever after. I. The 2001 film, Shrek is rolling a large crowd of citizens watches on from farm... 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