She wanted me to experience true nature, to find that place where the deer and foxes still behaved as they always had in the wild. Who was the man at the end who received the necklace. Turns out she was the published poet using a pseudonym. Did he? What race is the character of Kya, on pg 222, there is a conversation between Kya and Jumpin. She concealed the bruises as her Mother did. Kya knew judgment had no place here. I feel Kya killed because she had seen the abuse that her mother had endured. Why did Chase wear the necklace all the time? -Graham S. When Owens reveals that Kya was Amanda Hamilton, readers see that she wasnt quite as cut off from the world as it might have seemed. Does he die? The night her mum sends a letter he gets drunk and abusive again so did Kya go into survival mode again? Another part of the poem reads, 'The last step, a trap./ No one seems to mention this, but wouldnt Tate have known that Kya killed Chase, because he knew he had only recently given her the cap before the murder? I found this strange. What is it that Kya wrote .. something like .. something bad or evil must die so that the good survives. yeah, I think based on what we know, the bus person is her. Does Kyas attorney suspect that Kya killed Chase? They can describe the incident IN DETAIL, even years after it has happened. The novel has sold more than 12 million copies and has returned to the top of The New York Times fiction bestseller list in both print and audio. Seems like a mistake to me. They looked so beautiful! They will produce a series of pulse trains that is believed to signal an individuals presence to other crayfish. But the link is broken on the Chase question! Where the Crawdads Sing is set in the fictional coastal fishing town of Barkley Cove in eastern North Carolina. Certain lines in the poem reveal that Kya lured Chase to the tower where he then was pushed off and fell to his death. I enjoyed most of the book, Where the Crawdads Sing. Delia Owen discusses the origins of this phrase and how it relates to her life in an interview with Hello Sunshine. Given that Kya later uses this same tactic of seduction to kill Chase (who has become a threatening presence in her life), it becomes clear that Kya sees fireflies as examples of female predation and strength. was unable to carry out her plan to plant the shell neckless on Tate. How in the world would she demise shut a plan. I really enjoyed this book too, and appreciate your thoughts on it! And protect herself from blame. I happened to see the movie before reading the book and I thought it might have been him because of the ski cap exchange between him and Kya. He just dont want to confront her knowing that she had trust issues and the moment he start to question what she had done, he knew she probably retreat and ran away for good. I think Chase caught her coming back in the night and followed her to the tower. Presumably though, she saw it as some symbol of her relationship with Chase, possibly a representation of her taking back something (her dignity, her pride, her sense of safety, her sense of self worth, etc.) I always thought that she accidentally killed Chase and then covered her tracks and everything. Well said. But the pen name is the baffling part. The books she wrote in the movie are these books real did Kyas actually publish books if so, under what name? Tate searches their Marsh home and finds Chase's missing shell necklace along with some of Kya's poems. She looks shocked and amazed. Well I think at some point Tate knew that it was Kya who pushed Chase to death. And we fell in love with Kya. How would he know it was HIS red hat? *** (lovers is plural !). Again from the book: Was the firefly poem ever published, or was that something that Kya did not send to magazines as Amanda Hamilton? (including. First a question, Then an answer, Finally an end. Throughout out the book, Delia Owenss writing shows a great fondness for the natural world. Where the Crawdads Sing: Questions and Answers (Spoilers, Ending, Etc. Thanks. I was wondering who were the two men that were hugging that was seen by the lawyer? ( Spoiler .., ). In the book Kia noted several times how insects kill each other, devour their mate etc..I think perhaps she killed in going with the law nature seeing it as justified for nearly being raped. I think he mainly stayed home and prayed. Not Tate. Im inclined to agree that Kya just does NOT fit as the murderer. All the same, though, her acceptance of romance doesnt change her overall outlook on life, which prioritizes survival over all elsea somewhat sinister fact, given that she seemingly no longer has any reason to think in such ruthless terms. She thought the insects knew how to deal with their mates. However, if this theory were true, it was not in Jumpins character to murder ( I never saw anything in his character in the novel or the movie ) and considering the time and place they were living in, it could be very, very risky if he were caught. But first a quote from the Firefly Poem in the books conclusion: Female fireflies draw in strange males with dishonest signals and eat them; mantis females devour their own mates. She took the necklace back as a way of taking back her power from him. Is drawing and painting simply a hobby, or is it in some way a survival skill? I always thought crawdads were birds What relevance do the crawdads have to this film Where the rawdads Sing.So am I correct in thinking that crawdads are a crayfish?? (Owens, p. 142) Kya's posthumous poem, discovered by Tate, "The Firefly" begins "Luring him was as easy/As flashing valentines/But like a lady firefly/They held a secret call . Being an expert on the marsh & its plants, critters & tides, does not necessarily make that same person able to excel in other areas, such as a complicated murder plan. She even asks the guy to double check for the necklace, but he states it was never there, he never saw it. I dont know if the book really got into why Kya wasnt put on the stand, but generally if a lawyer feels like someone is more likely to incriminate themselves or come off badly, then they wont testify. Very interesting anylisis. He was a Big Man on Campus say his mom when she asks the sheriff about the necklace she saw one night at dinner when Pearl, the wife was not there. Kya is highly intelligent and to move the plot forward needs to . Of course, another perfectly legitimate explanation is that she keeps it because it was a necessary literary device to provide affirmative evidence of what happened at the end of the story. physically fighting with Chase, and while wearing the red cap. So I didnt mind it there was enough emotion and intrigue to keep me interested. Also, I couldnt help reflect further on the contrast wiht Chase and Tate with the alfha male and sneaker fuckers data. Heres everything we know about the hat: In Chapter 43, Tate offers Kya his red hat because its cold. A central question of "Where the Crawdads Sing," adapted to film from Delia Owen's popular novel through Lucy Alibar's screenplay, is: Who killed Chase Andrews (Harris Dickinson)? Yes,you dont kill a human being based on circumstances.But also you dont assault and make fake future promises to someone based on circumstances..If chase knew his marriage with Kya was not possible..why did he try to use her?And assualt her if she was never going to be his.Also he was athletic..she couldnt allow herself to be a victim like Ma and live in fear forever..She couldnt leave Marsh and Chase would never let her live without having his last punch..he could assault her again and threaten her to obey him plus nobody would believe prejudiced Marsh girl over chase.Definitely killing is going to extremes and violence and all and no reason would justify it ..but this is Kyas story and nature is her moral compass..Nothing is right and wrong in nature..Nature has its way to thrive and survive-just like female fireflies taught her..She would never let Chase hurt her again like Pa did to MaWhatever she did was to survive and protect her..kinda self defence..Thats the motive behind the its pretty justified(from kays pov). After she was acquitted and returns to the cabin, she was relieved she was angry. (including. The novel is set in the fictional town of Barkley Cove, North Carolina in the 1950s. I still have questions about the red hat! The his expression was that of Ive lived my entire life with the woman he loved, and shes a murder! Why did he have dinner with his mother without his wife ? She probably would have not killed a critter, except for food, but killing a human being did not seem a problem. I absolutely loved and appreciated the movie and will be reading the book but Im from Asheville, NC and confused about the setting. . Loved the movie , I was so glad Chase died. Its not really stated how exactly she lures him to fire tower. It states, In another time and place, an old black man and a young white woman might have hugged. That it was Jumpin and Tate that planned and killed Chase. Tate sat in court every day, and said nothing when the red hat was brought up. I think that both Tate and Jumpin did it together. And there is a red hat found in Kyas place later. There is one poem about murdering Chase, and with it is Chases missing shell necklace, tying her to his murder. She kills him to survive because she knows he will eventually hunt and eat her/kill her. So, she just wants to take back her freedom and power in her own home, not having to hide and flee, not to live a miserable life as her mother. How did she get it off his body without leaving footprints? (I know, I know) One flaw I see is that we know when the red has is introduced in the story line, and it was after her relationship ended with Chase. In the movie, shes in jail as the trial continues. When Where The Crawdads Sing begins, two young boys find the dead body of a man named Chase Andrews deep in the marshes of North Carolina. They must have contacted before..probably through telephone and Kya came before Chase to execute the plan. Dont forget that the one night when Jumpin was returning back home at the end of the day and was being harrassed by some boys, it was Kya who threw the rock at them to save Jumpin. I lived in Atlanta in the 1970s when many young children were being murdered and they talked of fiber evidence which was a new thing at that time. It was a young white man, approximately 5 10, kept his head down. What is met by the bird of pray on the limb at her window. In true Southern tradition, his mother was referred to by both her first and second names-Patty Love. Theres a short/quick version and a longer, more detailed version. As her family abandons her one by one, she learns to survive on her own. Im glad that I didnt purchase it! I also believe she killed Chase for two reasons which she hits at or outright states in the book/and movie: He was nothing more than a dangerous predator ( even his own father, in the move, Chase says, mentions to him ( when his father had been drinking ) that if people knew who he really was, they would hate him/Chase. So Tate would have seen it. Thats my theory. He should have been an obvious suspect in the case as he had been seen by several witnesses When the entire town of Barkley Cove attends Kyas funeral, readers see the extent to which the narrative surrounding her changed in the aftermath of the trial. I was so happy when I heard the verdict. Hi Phyllis if you see the section on this page Who Killed Chase Andrews? Even Chases mother didnt recognize that her son was missing the necklace until well after the fact, weeks later even. The murder was covered when the boys found the body and when she came home, the town was already talking about the murder. Do you think there were people that figured Kya murdered Chase but didnt say anything, i.e., her lawyer and Jumpin and Mabel? I have been looking this up for a couple of days now and yours was the first comment I found in this regard. Kya had intended to frame Tate for the murder. I dont understand why Kya didnt want to marry Tate? I think like the reply on the comment above, it was a trophy for him. What happened to Chases boat..where would Kya have hidden it,?surely it was used to to get to yhd tower. It was the error of the Sherriff ( and spoke to his ignorance and prejudice ) that he never looked at any others besides Kyra for this murder.and he was dogged because of his decisions and was not re electedin the book. It states in the novel that she thought it would be with her sons effects or belongings that they took off her sons body in order to do the autopsy. I loved the book and movie! She never thought about revenge after she knew that Chase is a liar and betrayed her. He dated, tricked and cheated on Kya (he was seeing someone else so he wouldnt introduce her to people and got engaged while he continued letting her believe he wanted to marry her). This part Id badly flawed. The survival instinct in the animal kingdom is not good nor evil Trapped inside, Love is a caged beast, Eating its own flesh. Once more, then, it becomes clear that even the most individualistic people yearn for some kind of human connection, regardless of what form it takes. People often die the way they live, so these are good theory. At trial, expert evidence is given that the fibers could have been transferred at any time and just remained stuck on there for years (even if washed), so they arent definitive proof that Kya was with Chase the night he died. She would not have know Kya was out of town. or is tate simply left with the fact that kya lied and she was in fact guilty of murder? Chases wife then gets upset when she sees with her own eyes he really does not love love her, but Kya the marsh girl.. There are a number of questions (about the ending, explanations, other spoilers, etc.) She also kills Chase because she says I will not live in fear. Amen sister. Incidentally, its also the city where Delia Owens lives.). And Tate ended up with it, right? However, I think the deep love and protectiveness Tate felt for Kya all her life would not have allowed him to put her through the trial and possibility of life in prison or the death penalty. Petit fours, blackberry jam, Sugar Daddy (candy), caramel cake. I only saw the movie perhaps the book had these answers? Its quite easy to imagine a conversation taking place planning Chases murder. I think she had a mental breakdown over the years and developed split personalities. At the end of Where the Crawdads Sing, Kya is acquitted for the murder, and Kya realizes that she loved Tate all along. Did Kya (The Marsh Girl) Murder Chase in Where the Crawdads Sing? Doesnt make sense. Just how it is. Hi Im curious as to why Kya was upset and angry that she was put on trial for the murder when she was guilty? Im curious How do you explain the significance of the necklace, then? from him. She knew chase was coming for her and didnt want to live her life in fear. Summary and Review for Where the Crawdads Sing. Page 207 There are certain people who cant stand to lose, and who feel entitled to make their victims pay for fighting back. However, the detectives determine that its possible to travel by bus from Greenville to Barkley and back in one night. She as alone out there completely vulnerable and became hypervigilant about every sound. So, the answer is, we dont know how Kya ends up with the red hat. How did Chase die in Where the Crawdads Sing. He could have been anywhere. Growing up in the south, myself, and no stranger to opinionated, holier-than-thou, judgmental and racist people, I get this, but it never-the-less infuriates me (even in a work of fiction). En dit in alle eenzaamheid. Why was Tate arrested (pgs. I saw someone comment about the possibility of a mental breakdown and split personalities. I think she was deliberate in her decision to kill him. The one in particular that I liked but dont really understand is the one that starts off Sunsets are never simple. Another is Child to child, eye to eye This paper will investigate how Where the Crawdads Sing subtly includes ecological concerns. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Or when she is older and on trial, why do none of them but her brother check on her? It was the marsh that shielded her from being placed at the scene, almost like it was her real family coming to her rescue. 'Luring him was as easy,' reads the first line in the poem. But to kill someone. In some ways it makes sense because her relationship with humans (with the exception of Tate and a few others) were never the best experiences for her compared to her relationship with nature. I find it interesting that Kyas family had abandoned her, so she longed for family, then she was not able to create a family of her own, outside of Tate. Kya had left Chase sprawled on the dirt. This map of (the fictional town of) Barkley Cove, North Carolina is from the e-book version of Where the Crawdads Sing. The female firefly that Kya watches eat a potential mate represents the same kind of power that she herself taps into when she uses her own sex appeal to lure Chase into a death trap. I think of why did Chase keep wearing that shell necklace anyway? She knew her father would throw the last punch and he was abusive towards her. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. The way the content is organized. There, laid out carefully on cotton, was the shell necklace Chase had worn until the night he died. The Piedmont is rolling hills.. How is there no mention of Hurricane Hazel which did tremendous damage to the Carolina coast in 1954, two years after the beginning of this novel, and would surely have affected the marshlands where Kya lived. Why wasnt Kya put on the stand to be questioned by the lawyers? Filming took place from mid-April through mid/late-June 2021 in and around New Orleans and Houma, Louisiana. Hi Nancy, the sheriff was letting Tate know that his dad passed away. Also, was that her in disquise on the buses? I cant figure out when Jodie showed up to the trail. Although the hotel clerk testifying she wasnt sure how to use a phone could indicate that she did. Do, no, its not an error. In Chapter 17, when Tate and Kya are looking for a place to hang out, Tate suggests that they go somewhere where the crawdads sing. He explains to Kya that it means far in the bush where critters are wild, still behaving like critters. In other words, hes suggesting they go off somewhere far from other people, deep into nature. "His dad had told him many times that the definition of a real man is one who cries without shame, reads poetry with his heart, feels opera in his soul, and does what's necessary to defend a woman." Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing 689 likes Like "Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. At end of movie showing credits etc. WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING is a gentle yet symbolic depiction of the valiant survival of Kya Clarka reclusive young girl who has been abandoned by her parents, siblings, school system, the entire town surrounding her, and what ultimately feels like life itself. He didnt want their relationship to end, but he couldnt imagine bringing her into his world in town. They made sure to mention both Tate and Jumpin were the only 2 that knew she was going out of town and Jumpin made sure she told him when she left. I grew up a foster child and know what it was to be alone. Did the Asheville references mess with anyone, since its like an 8 hr drive from the outer banks to the mountains?? Biology sees right and wrong as the same color in different light.. Did I miss what happened to Kyas father? There was no sign of remorse. Beyond that, after the sexual assault, she worries that he will feel the need to have the last word after she left him sprawled on the dirt, and she doesnt want to live in fear waiting for him to come at her again (Shed learned over and over from Pa: these men had to have the last punch. Surely Mr Jumpin warned Tate of Chase possibly hurting Kya. In Where the Crawdads Sing, poetry is an important part of Kya's life. It was dark, he didnt realize the grate was off. (See the map at the end of this post.) Her plan called for Tate to be a suspect also, likely even to be the foremost suspect. including poems by the prolific writer Amanda Hamilton, who Kya talks about a lot in the book. Now, I could see Chases mother killing him or Jumper or even Tate. In the months before he eventually tricks her into having sex with him, it seems he actually is falling in love with her, for the first time able to be a real person and see the world in a new way. Is this realistic? Kyas situation was absolutely a do or die scenario and she chose not to lie down and let the marsh erase her existence. Larry Price (the bus driver for the 11:50 P.M. bus from Greenville to Barkley Cove) says there was no one on the bus that resembles Kya. A psychologist once told me that when an evil family member dies, people in the family rarely if ever mention that persons name ever again. A fisherman named Scupper proclaims his love of poetry, declaring that poems "make ya feel something." He's right. Meaning she didnt kill because she was scared, she killed him because she was hurt. She could have been watching somewhere and ran over after confirming he was dead.. Someone here asked why Kya would have kept the red hat in her home if she ever thought about fiber evidence being used against her. Required fields are marked *. Evil was not in play, just life pulsing on, even at the expense of some of the players. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Did Tate know this all along? Overall I truly enjoyed the entire story, even though the author puts a lot of detail into the descriptions of nature, and Kyas work, but it is also cool because it gives you the story from a scientists point of view (which our Author happens to be). How did Chase get to the tower before his death? Presumably the sexual assault was the final straw for Kya. Some like that can you tell me exactly what she says or writes ?? She probably called him over telephone or left a note in her shack. I loved this book but was hoping for more answers or a detailed account of how she lured/killed him. She assessed Chase as this type of person, and her understanding was that it was either her or him. Then after all that, he later goes back to see her and attempts to sexually assault her. Her poem 'The Firefly' reveals the truth about Chase's death. He will beat her probably beyond recognition, raped her and even kill her to satisfy his sick ego. Hence the whole story and the plot while living in the swamp. She was abandoned to survive by herself, and she has who do you think you are?! Chase. I have thoroughly enjoyed the book and will certainly endeavour to read others. Does the book describe how Tate feels about Kya being the murderer after all? She looks down at her hand after petting the car for a while and sees the cats fur/fibers on her hand. Oh well! Possibly that cat hair sticks to clothing and hands while petting it. What dya mean, where the crawdads sing? Yes! Loved the movie. Produced by Reese Witherspoon's production company, Hello Sunshine, and Sony, with a worldwide release on July 15, the anticipated film adaptation of Where the Crawdads Sing is finally here! Back in the day they used to have these things called phone books where you could find peoples phone numbers. Have where the crawdads sing firefly poem thirty people recommend this book deserves the attention it is getting six at the expense some! Like her mother having a psychotic breakdown, Kya snapped when she realized that she was living deep in the swamp and was defenseless. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Also, one side of my family lived in the marshes of Louisiana. Even face jail or the death penalty. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. (See the map at the end of this post.) But Kyas remarkable strength, exceptionalism and beauty actually touched him, made him feel. On page 153 of wildlife scientist Delia Owens' novel Where the Crawdads Sing, nineteen-year-old Kya Clarkthe "Marsh Girl" of a certain section of the Carolina coastrecalls a poem by "a lesser-known poet," Amanda Hamilton:. In my opinion, Chases mother could have argued with Chase because he told her he wanted to leave his wife for Kya. Chase was, as most people, multidimensional. And she cooks at age 7 or 8, but never burns herself or burns down the house. Seems like he knew (would have known) all along she was guilty. Folks hear n see almost everything. Three days later. I believe a lot of this novel is unbelievable; however, it is a work of fiction. This is because she has found a way to live a life of independence and relative isolation while also accepting and even giving human love, thereby banishing her frequent bouts of loneliness and connecting her to Tate in a reaffirming, emotionally sustaining manner. She's accused of murdering Chase Andrews (Harris Dickinson), a former quarterback and local golden boy in their small town of Barkley Cove, after he's found dead at the bottom of a fire tower in the marsh. As a mental health therapist, I have clients who fear their perpetrator and feel as though they have no control or little control, unless they move away from that rapist or molester. How did Kia get the nickname Kia from Catherine? Has Delia mentioned any reasoning behind why she chose for Kya and Tate not to be able to have children? We all are still talking about it. Tate will protect Kya and Chase knew Kya was assaulted after all. Another part of the poem reads, 'The last step, a trap./ The film stars Daisy Edgar-Jones as Kya, a woman who lives a simple life in a North Carolina marsh who is accused of killing her ex-boyfriend Chase Andrews. When Tate left the first feather for Kya, she already had a big collection of feathers and she knew the names of the birds. How would he know that information only one day after Chase had passed. First paragraph, bingo. You dont kill a human being because of your circumstances. Could it be that she had no memory? Most of us learn to pronounce words we have read by connecting them to language we have heard. "When cornered, desperate, or isolated, man reverts to those instincts that aim straight at survival. She saw the world differently because of how she was raised. Kya had planned the murder in fine detail and covered her tracks including by careful study of the bus schedule. Set in 1950s and 1960s North Carolina, the narrative blends . ThankYou so much these explanations. In the absence of a proper father, Kya turned to Jumpin as a child, adolescent, and young adult. And she never gets sick..,only steps on a rusted nail once. I would love all 3! And, one more quote from earlier in the book: Kya watched others. Tate never sees it. For this reason, Kya finds herself capable of finally coming to terms with her mothers departure, bidding her farewell once and for all because she realizes that she has done just fine without Ma. (Tate doesnt comes back into the picture after Chase married Pearl.) Remember she is really good at giving people the slip, so he never saw her leave or come back. Kya had planned the murder in detail. 'Luring him was as easy,' reads the first line in the poem. Kya killed Chase because it was what she felt like it was right, her moral compass shaped by the nature. I thought he was the murderer and they were arresting him, but that didnt happen. 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