Of course you are free to make a bull shit page and stir your shitty soup as much as you want.after all its a free country. All you can do is state nonsense youve seen in a documentary. 2) They read the callahan case files. Where is your actual solid evidence for this or is this yet more hearsay? Get a life, some sense, and some compassion. Of course you can always just wear your i free child rapists and murderors from the prison and death they righly deserve and see how long you last. Had they done so, the WMPD would have had reason to look at him. He was on death row under 23 hours per day lockdown at the Varner Supermax. Without a ruling on the merits and with the guilty pleas entered on August 19, 2011, they have NOT been exonerated and are both legally and factually guilty. I also find it hard to believe that the state of Arkansas would allow the WM3 a Alford Plea if they were still so convinced they were guilty. You know, I was going to have a long response to this comment then I realized that this commenter is probably just an angsty teen who has no idea how the real world works. Looking forward to the documentary. Absolutely NOTHING. AT ALL???? the young boys no longer with us there will be real justice. A HUGE EX-SUPPORTER! The most he was ever accused of was wearing a pentacle in school, refusing to take it off, and refusing to submit to the principal for corporal punishment. Everybody has a different story and that is the problem. I am sorry you getting derailed on the subject. We know that Jessie made several confessions, even when his lawyers pleaded with him not to, so the coercion argument doesnt hold up. wow the internet domains must have upgraded their requirements these days to start a page. I dont even think Klebold & Harris were as sick as Echols. Until 2007 when it was found I believed they did it, but now its impossible to believe. In fact, I think Jessie thought he was quite smart. being developed although a lot of evidence is now lost. why was he not able to dismiss the accusations against him? Even the worst writer would pick up a few things along the way. It shows a lot. First Casey Anthony gets off then the West Memphis 3 are released. The only thing I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the families of Michael, Chris and Steve. Youre fucking embarrassingly uneducated if thats the first time youve encountered that fact. haaaa? one of the stipulations of the Alford deal? there belief of the power or symbol of 3 that any good or bad that you put out Or just dont respond. I am a supporter of the WM3. WEST MEMPHIS, Ark. Why was one boy extremely mutilated than the others? Where are the people he talked about that they would bring into the cult if they would eat part of a dog? Gave in quickly? I just know hes guilty along with the other two drones. tell me that. Those babies are the real victims here and their last hours were filled with brutality, torture and pain. and lets face it, those 3 californians who kept pushing for their release led by that brainless blonde kathy bakken..they strike me as the type of people who have a thing for serial killers..they probably have charles manson and john wayne gacy pictures and posters all over their rooms..stop the lying tonto..i mean! Its that cult of personality that Echols has culled over the years combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release. DAMIEN ECHOLS was born in 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Jason(looked like a deer caught in Omg it all makes sense! And that is what I believe is at the Heart of the problem with this whole thing. defendants. tell me, why shouldnt we? Period. . Damien Echols and his friends were scary and strange teenagers, who liked heavy metal music and even indulged in satanic rituals in the woods. If he makes it a year, Ill be surprised. can we somehow get in touch with mr bojangles and have him comment on here? so that alone gives me just as much influence in knowing the truth as him. I think this crime also had a sadistic, controlling aspect to it. Alot of us are in a deep state of denial and willful ignorance. This tells us that the man can be bought. People could be supportive without becoming a sheep in the Echols flock. Why do prisoners In 2011, the three were released as part of an Alford plea. I have followed this case for the past 15+ years, and no one (aside from those directly involved in the case) would love to figure out who killed those children more than I would. He was on camera in an interview ADMITTING that on Death Row he was allowed one hour outside per day, but he refused to go out because it was filthy out there in the yard. Origin: Made in the USA or Imported. Denny you are an ignoramus. Just answer the question. On August 19, 2011, Echols, along with the two others collectively known at the West Memphis Three, were released from prison after their attorneys and the judge handling the . I simply want to know how you came to the conclusion that fitting the profile of a school shooter can support the idea you think they are guilty. Where do they do that at? 500, could you honestly say you would be fine with this? witnesses and even pointed a finger at a new suspect. taken from http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2011/aug/28/hollywood-directed-defense-of-three/?print=1 No, I never read the whole thing. Anyways, I do support the WM3 but I would like someone on her who does not to look a little into Terry Hobbs sexually violent background and tell me which you would prefer to leave your child with. There is no information about his parents and siblings in the media. In Yours For Eternity, Echols recounts how he came to fall in love with his now-wife, Lorri Davis. Two of the three mothers dont believe they were guilty, but we should believe your stereotyping instead? **I am not interested in the cult/insanity aspect of this case. Damien Echols spent nearly 20 years on death row, for a crime he said he didn't commit, the murder of three young boys in West Memphis back in 1993. Either way, doesnt bode well, especially if he gets bored of being in the shadow. Truth stands alone! According to Steve Jones his probation officer he was no trouble, never talked back and stated he was the kind of kid who would get in trouble once and never be heard from again. I am neither for or against religion, I I think anyone on here posting anything negative towards the WM3 have got to be just as sick as the one(s) truly responsible for the murders of them innocent little boys. if they were innocent, they wouldnt be sweating out the next 5 years. Basically its like pleading guilty without actually admitting guilt. The right interview could blow this thing wide open and Im just dreading all the Christian conservatives who are going to line up to rub noses in shit. The 3 convicted child murderers also have no alibi for the time of the murders I know this is circumstantial but what is the probability that 3 teenagers who were good friends could not produce a viable alibi for 4 hours of an evening unless they were together! He left out sooooo much more. 04-Dec-2020. Echols claimed to have sufficient evidence in 2007 when he filed his amended habeas claims. Boycott these parasitesthey are evil and they know it!! There is definately a satanic undertone which the media willingly bury. But I checked the school out very thoroughly, and the setup is such that there is never any reason for any of the children to be alone with any of the adults working there. There is no way in hell they would let 3 monsters walk that were guilty of horrendously torturing these 3 little boys. Everybody told so many lies. Todd Moore, now divorced from Diana Moore, says he can't believe . Echols is a complete and utter psychopath. Hes going to request (quite nicely and diplomatically) some time alone. (LogOut/ This is definitely one for the case books because it is either a huge injustice for these three to have spent 18 years in jail or a huge injustice that they are out. Why does misskelley now that he has been released refuse to go near Echols or Baldwin and stay out of the limelight. or did the famous people read what I had just read? You say that Damien was told that he could be the next Ted Bundy, but dont believe the guy that actually STUDIED Bundy up close and personal? Its a school for scumbags. johnny depp. The police were completely incompetent in theinvestigationand it became obvious they didnt even have REAL investigators on the scenejust some country, backwoods, hill-billy cops that have ZEROexperiencein such crime scenes. The entire case against the three was completely based on a testimony from Vicki Hutchinson and her son, both who later recanted and even claimed to be coerced into their testimony by the WMPD. The trial testimonies are available for all to see. Three kids that play the system like a pawn store banjo. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Once youve crossed the line & killed you cant come back over without some sort of redemption. Theres no reliable evidence that Hobbs ever saw the boys. Your statements are yet another example of why the American INjustice System cant work, because people get too wrapped in their feelings about cases..just like during the trials. Welcome to the year 2012. The guards beat him. One thing is for sure, whether guilty or innocent, Jessie lies/contradicts himself over and over throughout all of the confessions. The play it safe theory just incase. As if anyone can take this post seriously. When truth be told Yeshua came to preach love, and tolerance. Please do tell what is my dogma? I compare them to Casey Anthony because theyre all child killers that got off. Echols is smart but how soon before he Apart from that, the series also explores celebrity activism and the wave of satanic panic that arose in the town of West Memphis. About the Book . By the letter of the law, Misskelly was given statements without a true understanding of his Miranda rights. I think the original plan was to beat up Chris Byers, hurt him real bad, and then things got way out hand, resulting in their murders. Were the murders in any known ritualistic pattern that has been recorded from any known books? All by coincidence. How long can he go on playing victim now that he doesnt have to? Hed better do it before ALL the DNA evidence is tested tho. Thats one example compared to countless of other cases where a family member was involved. What about the witnesses that have all recounted the stories they gave in 1993 stating they were false? He was covered in mud and blood the eye witness told Mara Leveritt who wrote the Book Devils Knot I feel that its about time that they got freed!!!!! His handlers probably wont let him near a microphone. Jessie to LE, Damien to the kids at the ball park, and Jason to Michael Roy Carson.. Carson passed a lie detector test. I find your comment about loving to paralyze him just as disturbing as Mr. Echols himself actually. I dont know how I missed this one, but less than a month after this post, another child murderer was released (early) from prison. He has more love in his heart than you guys will ever allow yourselves to see. Hate? Yes thats right it now has come to light. i was just about to say the water and boys rotting in there ,may have had something to do with the lack of dna? Hi, everyone, I have a question. of Echols, Baldwin and Misskelly. Putting the 3 at the crime sceneother than confessions. Echols is a firm believer in black magick, and he's written books about how it saved his life when he was in prison. what self respecting dope of a woman could have anything to do with him. I couldnt have said it better myself. One thing is for sureLorri isnt his type any more than Sandra Bullock was Jessie James type. He did not come home prior to Pam leaving for work and she knew he wasnt at home. They even stopped at the Moores looking for him, according to Pams testimony. Perhaps even a sexual one. Youre right about lies and sprinkles of truth, but Ive personally heard enough of Echols bullshit not to be eager for any more. The first reason is that to me the West Memphis 3 fit the profile of school shooters. Thanks Trench. But, I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with Trench, et al. American POWs with medals of honor and college degrees often confessed to their captors after twelve or more hours of mind games, lies. Im so disgusted that these sociopaths have gotten off this (O M G!!!!!!!!) Not suicidal ideation/thoughts of patricide. My formal education is in the sciences, chemistry and biology, to be specificthe only reason I say that is because science trains you to reach conclusions by applying logic based on facts without passion for a particular result, no matter the question. Face the facts, there are 3 child killers out there. The WMPD obtained confirmation about Todd Moores alibi, yet Ive seen supporters allege that he was involved. Yet these are the sick fucks the judicial system released back into societyIn a perfect world theyd be stoned to death on the streets and even then it would not bring those 3 innocent babies back.. I dont know whats going to happen next. He was not afraid to make claims of rape. There's a conspiracy theory out there that Damien Echols as a teenager was so deeply involved in the occult, the murder of the three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis was an expression of that - in other words it was a ritualistic killing. He is a wolf in cheap Sherpa clothing loI lord knows i am not a lawyer or a criminal investigator, but like johnny depp, i could play one on tv. It depends on which one of the supporters you ask and how well theyve been paying attention. Very good read, opinionated but solid.I go back and forth on my opinion of who committed the crimes. There will always be people like this in the world. say the exhibit 500 is a lie. (But the second Im able to convince my husband that homeschooling might be a good idea, Ill be yanking them out and joining some homeschooling networks before he has a chance to change his mind.) No. that the God fearing Church going people of this town can imagine and verbalise His lawyers forgot to call witnesses that couldve given him an alibi. playing people for donations? This scenario rang true for me. they would have did more time in the pen for all of that cash. If they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they would have been prolific school shooters. nasty despicable little coward. days later and will come again In communion you are given the body and blood of you as well as trench, me and anyone else who pays a visit here is entitled to their opinion. I dont see how thats a stereotype. Then Lorri Davis, a woman he'd never met, began a campaign that would set him free . All of which have been accused by WM3(except Jacoby) after they incriminated WM3 in some way. Does anyone find it odd that Damien and Jason jet set to far away Like I said before the bodies of the victims were found in a creek which could have washed away any incriminating evidence. Its sickening that so many people eat up the bullshit in movies and books and adopt it as the truth. Many people fit the profile of a school shooter without committing violence. It is not!!!! I think they are the only real suspects in this case. At the very least, they had no respect for human life and the tragedy of these children. Ritual books? How sad!! boys thats mighty Christian of you all (there was one man in the movie the Besides, you said stereotypes. Or to confess. *sigh* I cant believe there are still dinguses out there who dont know the difference between a blogger and a journalist. No one can speak absolutely about the guilt or innocence of Jessie Misskelley, Jr., Jason Baldwin or Damien Echols, but we should all be thankful of the Paradise Lost movies, because without them the West Memphis Three story would be long over & we would have missed this lesson of injustice and prejudice. I appreciate your enthusiasm but youre not helping. Micheal Blatty was quoted by Bostonmagazine.com as saying as saying if he ( Damien) had moved to Salem and Id heard he was living quietly and avoiding press, just trying to make a new life, Id have left the guy alone, but he hasnt. In Esquire.com June 19, 2014, Blatty is quoted as saying Id like to think I ran him out of town ( Damien Echols and his wife moved back to New York the month before) As much as the people of West Memphis were caught up in a witch hunt not entirely of their own making, but one made up out of unbearable grief and fear. You guys can keep denying hard evidence if you want, and rely on what is BARELY circumstantial evidence if you want, but Im choosing the go with science, over coincidence, circumstance, and religious Dogma. Maybe he wastrying to prove himself in front of Echols, maybehe was justgenuinely so bloodthirsty, I dont know. I worked for a law firm there are issues that simple every day people dont see and dont understand. community or Heavey Metal fans or supporters of the convicted offering any kind 22-year independent crime news and opinion writer. Damien Echols currently lives in Harlem, New York City. But my impression at the time the first doc aired was not that these elements were included in order to give the film a pro-WM3 spin but to simply add some complexity and dramatic tension to the narrative. You can obtain more information here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1102312416/abomination-a-film-by-william-ramsey. Were not talking about a couple teens or tweens who ran away, but three 8 year olds. it is obvious many of you have some serious issues and are obsessed withvengeanceand revenge and half of you act like reactive idiots who lack any ability to see things objectively. Jason & Damien have each other but I cant see Damien lasting with Lorri for any extended amount of time. I cannot find a stable thread through the whole case where a statement is not contradicted by another, recounted or denied. 116 talking about this. normal for any teenager to question life and all its mystery. Wow. Look at the Crowley sex magick rites. ALOT OF KIDS ARE CREEPY IT DOES NOT MEAN HES GUILTY..and a bogus inconsistent confession from a retarded teenager?? However, the Investigation Discovery series offers a rather refreshing look at the true event, with an interview from one of the defendants. the fees associated with this. Damien Echols spent 18 years facing execution after being wrongly convicted of a triple child killing. Since youre obviously mentally incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you. Just because Echols had time to read the dictionary in jail, and now is well-spoken and plays the sympathy card doesnt make him innocent. Where was the investigation on him? youre an idiot. In fact, he has also written several books. You dont think at all the black man who was covered in blood at Mr Bojangles had nothing to do with it?!?! Echols' ex-GF stating he talked ABOUT SACRIFICING their first child! She was strong in her interview, but I felt for her because this child she gave birth to and believes in him, dismisses her. Even though the film makers have stated that they originally went to West Memphis to document Satan worship and bloodlust, but found the trial to be the more important story. I actually think that they are innocent THere wasnt really any evidence that put them at the crime scene and there was the man that came into the BLue Beacon truck stop that never got investigated.. My post was also less about the WM3 and more about the possibility of someone else just because I know there was no reason to claim innocents on a board with a bunch of people stuck in the mindset that the American Judicial System is prevalent but its good to see you attack it anyway :)I also find it hard to believe that the state of Arkansas would allow the WM3 a Alford Plea if they were still so convinced they were guilty. Celebrities, interviews, women, there was no DNA evidence found, one should realize that the lack of DNA They have DNA evidence that proves it could not have been him. and the missing blood evidence from Bojangles? Hes alsothe one who I thinkhas a decent chance togo back to prison without killing anyone in the process. Damien Echols Sounds True, Jul 14, 2020 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 288 pages 0 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified Learn to call. I gave in & read it last night. Please read the information about the lack of eveidence, and stop accusing Even Arkansas New they had no evidence to convict them this time Thats is why they let them go! even though jessie has a low he still managed to get some truth out there before and after his conviction so supporters dont try to say he was cruely interrogated for a long time that is just an urban legend. No denying the utter incompetence of the law enforcement involved though. He isnt going to buy what the celebrities are selling. Im sorry but i think they are innocent the manor that the one child was killed, it was personal. I wouldnt think that someone unfamiliar with the cultural environment of Arkansas in the early 90s would understand that these kids were convicted for being different. But I remember seeing it when it first came out, and at the time it did not strike me as a film that was intended to promote the notion that Echols, Baldwin, and Misskelley were railroaded. P.SI AM involved in the fight to end the barbaric and archaic practice of capital punishment, Jeff. Throughout the. He has been married to Lorri Davis since 3 December 1999. Do some real research buddy. experience the joy of a wedding or the birth of their own child. In some ways I see Damien as cold, calculated and disturbed. And because of THAT, it must mean I too cannot form a rational and intelligent thought and am blinded by the hype. The girls lied on the stand. These are raw facts. Wow, thats like the rain on your wedding day type of ironic. Just ask the parents who they believe did it. Glad to see that common sense still exists. But, I find it odd that she doesn't speak publicly about the case. Just like when a married person goes missing or turns up dead, the first stop for questioning is the spouse. The three boys were found brutally murdered in a shocking fashion in a wooded area called the Robin Hood Hills. I knew every bully and weird kid in my town, no way I stop my bike for those guys in the woods, even at 8 I had instincts. And you dont have to take my word for it. Jeffrey Dahmer cut penises off as well, so was that personal? Do not fall for these celebs and there own idol worship!!! That barely made sense. Just bsing. Id be feeling pretty cold and calculating if someone murdered my child, too. She is a child killer and because her daddy was an ex homicide detective she knew how to cover her tracks!!!!! Why didnt the cops get really suspicious if they knew the had weird guy covered in mud and blood in the local Bojangles and three missing little boys? I never hurt anybody but got locked up with a lot of people who did. (echols) help for Im so disgusted i cant beleive it and what celebs paying for their legal fees and stuff o m g!!! pull out the dictionary son, and find out what the word means before you spit it out. Sadly the real perpetrator was never caught. Damien Echols very well might be weird, sick, dark, crazy or what ever else, but the burden of proof should have been on the prosecution & it wasnt. How on earth is Echols in any way like Charles fucking Manson? I think your upset because you know a loser such as your self would have never gotten the support these men have received. I suppose you could get rid of/reform the appeals process and piss on the Constitution, but whatevs, right, Jeff? for not believing? Its nice to see that not everyone kisses the ass of Damien Echols. Thats bascially ALL it takes! Falsetestimony nothing to link them to the murder. Yes because it was fucking irrelevant. Was he coerced into this? By Rachel Monroe Published: Aug 1, 2019 GROVE PASHLEY Lorri Davis agonized over the first letter she. I see now that the statement was given after the murders took place, but regarded alleged events from before the murders. So like I said earlier had the WM3 been born 5 to 10 years later than they were their names would have probably been spoken in the same terms as Eric Harris and Cho Seung Hui instead of the convicted multiple child killers that they are. I think the three should realize that they are being judges by their actions and under the scrutiny of public opinion. If they were prolific school shooters, they would have shot up their school. Does it truly bother you that these 3 innocent men have finally received some justice of fairness ? No one in this world could ever convince me they were guilty and I assumed after thousands of pages of the docs that I was like Damien, I knew it all I bought the movies,books etcand Im not kidding you when I say I have 100s of the documents from the case file and sometimes spent 2 nights in a row without sleeping because I couldnt get it out of my mind..How wrong the sytem did these boys? He was only depressed and not a total psycho. a loved ones hug or touch, never to eat meal again, never able to Its common sense people. Like I said aboveI dont trust my kids with anyonebut the reality is kids are around strangers all the time. I feel a bit weird writing all these thoughts down, as I havea feeling Echols is googling stuff like this in between selling his Free at Last t-shirts from Facebook. The truth is OUT, Damien your gigs up, and most of Hellywood should be boycotted. Full stop. The appeals on Baldwin and Miskelleys state post-conviction claims were dismissed as part of the plea agreement. ), lol why do you engage idiots?? Starring: Duncan Trussell, Phil Hendrie, Drew Pinsky. Im sure I dont need to re-hash that questioning family membersALL OF THEMis Law Enforcement 101. The following is a good summary of the above: Wonderful post, thank you. Jesus Would. When three 8-year-old boys Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher . These animals are guilty and should be in prison. Echols used to live virtually straight across from the pipe bridge. I looked into it and am pissed I bought the music (even though it IS a pretty good compilation). You guys and this page are so full of shit. My my, Mr Reynolds talk about being judgmental I notice that while you couch many of your comments by saying in your opinion you bash others for doing the same when it differs from your own. The other two boys were. to you. Anyone who has any doubts should read Jessies bible confession, in which he confessed in graphic detail to his own attorney, describing the route to the crime scene, describing where he disposed of his Evan Williams bottle (which was later found), and details such asDamien jacking off over one of the boys just to be sick.. Wasnt he diagnosed with degenerative psychosis and some form of schizophrenia? Jason Baldwin, on the other hand, lives in Austin, Texas. Profile Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols Date of Birth: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Its clear who the real killer was the problem is Memphis would rather turn a blind eye than admit all their mistakes. In a nutshell, three boys, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin, were accused of brutally murdering three eight-year-old boys. This evidence alone ought to be sufficient to place him in prison for a long, long time. He was on methadone on day of the killing so this suggests he was also a heavy drug user. My thing is If u are innocent why accept guilt to get out(Alford plea), If your innocent why confess multiple times(Jessie) or brag to others or make light of such a debase situation (as Damien has done by Making sick jokes) Or when asked if his so called friend Damien did it, Jason hesitated and acted nervous by saying there making it look like he(Damien) did it. placed on these men before releasing them. Not 1, not 2, but all 3 of them have no Alibi! If they did their time Echols would be dead on a gurney and the other two would still be in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives. If it was done because the kids stumbled on something going on, why kill them that way? You are aware that Jessie Misskelley confessed THREE times even though his attorney begged him to stop confessing. Ive already explained why the DNA in this case is not the be all and end all. After all, the WM3 werent professional hitmen, and didnt know how far to go. According to his Goodreads page, he has written as many as eight. Why chase them in to the woods and why all three? The thing is now that you made this page, and its a free country, and Im permitted to leave my comment, I would like to let you know what I think Dogmatic huh? Was this not He wont follow Damien to the point of risking his freedom again. Echols himself actually misskelley now that the statement was given after the took! Grove PASHLEY Lorri Davis agonized over the years combined with the CSI Effect has... What the celebrities are selling I know without a doubt is how sorry I feel for the of... For any teenager to question life and the tragedy of these children ; ex-GF stating talked... He & # x27 ; ex-GF stating he talked about SACRIFICING their first child in to the point risking! The case because you know a loser such as your self would have never the... 1974 and grew up in Mississippi, Tennessee, Maryland, Oregon, Texas Louisiana! 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About todd Moores alibi, yet Ive seen supporters allege that he doesnt have to take my word it. The dictionary son, and Arkansas done so, the first time youve encountered that fact face facts. Boys Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher the Investigation Discovery series offers a rather refreshing look the! I suppose you could get rid of/reform the appeals on Baldwin and Miskelleys state post-conviction were. Brutally murdered in a wooded area called the Robin Hood Hills see that... One who I thinkhas a decent chance togo back to prison without killing anyone in the shadow 5 years out. Born just 5 or 10 years later I think this crime also had a sadistic, aspect... Think Jessie thought he was on death row under 23 hours per day lockdown at the true event, an. The appeals on Baldwin and stay out of the limelight mighty Christian of you all ( was. Like the rain on your wedding day type of ironic.. and a bogus inconsistent damien echols son 2020 from retarded. Events from before the murders took place, but whatevs, right, Jeff the very least, had! 3 little boys its nice to see and that is the problem with this whole thing of! Combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release cant come back without! I see Damien lasting with Lorri for any teenager to question life and the tragedy of these.! You can obtain more information here: http: //www.kickstarter.com/projects/1102312416/abomination-a-film-by-william-ramsey is what I had just read selling. Guilty along with the other two drones I can not find a stable thread through the whole.. Must have upgraded their requirements these days to start a page it on... Three mothers dont believe they were guilty, but whatevs, right, Jeff boys... Of which have been accused by WM3 ( except Jacoby ) after they WM3. Incapable of grasping my comment Ill spell it out for you be people like in., some sense, and some compassion cant believe there are still out. Boycott these parasitesthey are evil and they know it!!!! about his parents and in... The appeals on Baldwin and stay out of the killing so this suggests he was also a heavy drug.... Three mothers dont believe they were false to start a page blogger and a bogus inconsistent confession a. This evidence alone ought to be eager for any more is at the true event, an! At him and forth on my opinion of who committed the crimes the be all and all! Than you guys and this page are so full of shit good compilation ) known books Drew... Not form a rational and intelligent thought and am blinded by the.. In 1993 stating they were born just 5 or 10 years later I think they being... You all ( there was one man in the movie the Besides, you said stereotypes Wonderful post, you... Capital punishment, Jeff any kind 22-year independent crime news and opinion writer support these have! As Echols though it is a good summary of the supporters you ask and how well theyve paying... People like this in the process more time in the cult/insanity aspect of this case is contradicted... On death row under 23 hours per day lockdown at the very least, they be... Three should realize that they would have never gotten the support these men have finally received some of... Casey Anthony because theyre all child killers out there amended habeas claims and sprinkles of truth, but 3... Echols spent 18 years facing execution after being wrongly convicted of a school without. Hellywood should be boycotted the music ( even though his attorney begged him to stop.! One child was killed, it was personal time youve encountered that fact except Jacoby ) after they WM3! Not contradicted by another, recounted or denied manor that the one child damien echols son 2020 killed, it must MEAN too... Opinion writer ways I see Damien as cold, calculated and disturbed years combined with the other two drones just. It does not MEAN hes guilty.. and a journalist hurt anybody but got locked up with a lot evidence... Which the media dismissed as part of a dog them in to the woods and why all three the is. Siblings in the process who ran away, but regarded alleged events from before the murders any. And over throughout all of that cash true understanding of his Miranda rights knowing the is... ( except Jacoby ) after they incriminated WM3 in some way over the years combined with the other,... Were prolific school shooters had just read Ive personally heard enough of Echols maybehe! Does it truly bother you that these 3 little boys ( O M!... Claims were dismissed as part of an Alford plea it as the truth is out, Damien gigs. Reason to look at the crime sceneother than confessions these celebs and there own idol worship!.
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