It's meant to be used as a tool for discussion with a partner or a potential partner in order to figure out how you want to customize your relationship. Thanks for joining us, explorers! Our researcher M who is researching this episode said that they use the board generally every few radars. Another piece of advice from our researcher is that you can do it all at once or you can break it into chunks because there's a lot of different topics here. The full transcript is available on this episode's page on I could actually see it being a great idea to make a work-safe version of it or a roommate version of it that didn't have the sex and kink stuff on it, but still did cover some of the things about like, what are labels in terms we use? Many of you are familiar with relationship anarchy and some of you may even practice it but do what the RA Smrgsbord is? Now, what monogamous means in a relationship? The study then outlines competing arguments about the causes of VERLT in Central Asia before contextualising the relationship of security governance, VERLT and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), in order to assess appropriate responses to both in Central Asia. This blog will focus on answering questions about Queerplatonic relationships, Queerplatonic partners, and the aromantic spectrum. It is a practice of consciously aligning intentions with others rather than unconsciously projecting assumptions and abiding by societal expectations. All these, no problem." The Smorgasbord has as its concept the idea that every relationship you have with another person is like a plate that the two of you are filling from this buffet of many options. Consider the following Relationship Anarchist Smorgasbord (Fig 1), which sketches some of the central areas of relationship involvement as well as indicting some of the "design" options within each area: Have you heard of the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord? If you want to tell us how you changed it, that's fine but you just don't have to, imagine how different that will experience with you. Let's talk about what the heck relationship anarchy even is. I think I first encountered it on Twitter probably a few years back that someone had retweeted the image and I was like, "Oh, that seems really useful. Jase: Yes, I've seen that one too online, but it's bord. 3 Reply BasketCaseSensitive 6 yr. ago For some more background and a deeper dive into relationship anarchy, check out Episode 150: Relationship Anarchy 101, and Episode 339: The Smorgasbord of Relationships. 2020 by Ready For Polyamory Proudly created with If you see something that feels off to you or like there's numerous conversations out there happening about possible changes, just go and maybe go try to find these groups that they're a part of the relationship anarchy Facebook group. This week's episode is all about the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord! People in this practice advocate people to develop independently of each other, which is in conflict with the not just sex thing,. I really didn't know much about it at all, and M was very instrumental in creating this episode and really giving me their knowledge because I needed it. I highly recommend it to everybody. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, pr. Okay. In 2006, a relationship anarchy manifesto was published by Andie Nordgren, a non-binary Swedish gaming producer. It's a graphic/worksheet that you can, If you want to learn more about relationship anarchy and the RA Manifesto's instruction to "customize your commitments," I'm teaching Relationship Anarchy Applied on February 22, 2022 at 8pm ET. It could be as simple as writing a yes, no, maybe never, maybe in the future, next to every single thing, one article suggested getting out colored pencils or crayons or using a color code system to show your interest in a category. Have you heard of the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord? Things like labels/terms, that's interesting, that's fun because I know a lot of people care about what label is this relationship, essentially. Dedeker: I think fortunately/unfortunately what we've learned, I think, especially from being in the non-monogamous community is that when you're in a relatively small community, unfortunately, there can be some overlap in some of these relationships. 51:04. It's like bigger than a charcuterie. Dedeker: I do remember watching all these kids turning in their homework and feeling a little bit, sorry for them, but you're like, gosh, they really didn't get it. In polyamory, people start engaging with different partners. You're like I obviously understand it. Then again, at the end of the day, you get to use as much of it or as little of it as you want. It's a graphic/worksheet that you can download here, for talking about some of the more common options you might want to implement in relationships. Jase: Yes, for sure. Dedeker: The funny thing is when I was in second grade, I thought that that's how homework worked actually. Thanks so much, Maxx, for all that information and we look forward to having you on the show at some point. Just to shout out to a researcher M because they really schooled me on this whole thing. B-O-R-D, is the bord and then Smorgas is spelled with some fancy little symbols over the letter we don't normally have in American English, but Smrgsbord is how it's said. It's it's too big. Mar 2, 2022 - Polyamory is openly, honestly, and consensually loving and being committed to more than one person. Again, the whole idea is that using terms like romantic relationship while it can be useful as a shorthand explanation for other people. Do we have shared accounts or shared financial responsibilities? 339 - The Smorgasbord of Relationships Multiamory Black Lives Matter. Relationship anarchy is often described under the umbrella of polyamory, as it allows people to form natural, authentic connections with others without having to limit or restrict what behaviors are part of new relationships based upon labels of existing ones. I'd suggest this as a tool, much like a Yes/No/Maybe list, for folks who want a place to start with these conversations. I think it makes sense to include those things here as well. Changelog. No, we love you. To me, it reminds me of some movie I watched as a kid. Dedeker: I do know. . They are focused on building relationships and not just sex Further, they reject creating rules and hierarchies. Solo polyamory is the same, except they know they are narcissistic, while relationship anarchists dont. Suggested notations are, yes, maybe, maybe in the future, and let's talk. She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. Dedeker: No, no, no. Relationship anarchy Smrgsbord, have the two of you heard of this before. Emily: I think especially also for transitioning relationships, like for instance, I lived with a partner after we broke up in college and this would've been out outrageously helpful to have to kind of like, yes, like see this is what our relationship is going to look like now. Dedeker: There's also many different ways that you can choose to express your interest in each category. Jase: -acquaintance relationship, but you could, right? Chromium could only be itself, then, it would be a Transcend that doesn't even count as a Transcend but only as itself. It says color coding and highlighting are fun too. Posted November 8, 2020. I also have a newish Instagram for my graphic design work, which is @Maxxhillcreates, M-A-X-X Hill creates. I just yesterday got introduced to the Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbord ( extended Version ). Dedeker: Of course, we also need to talk about critiques because you can't have anything created on the internet without people criticizing it also but that's okay. I really like there's this note in the center, in this most updated version of the chart, encouraging people using the chart that you have to agree together on what it is that you want. Emily: Umlaut, yes. I've never used this exact graphic in my own relationships (the latest version was created after my romantic relationship started) but the subjects listed are definitely some of the things that get brought up in discussing with play partners what a partnership looks like to us and what activities are involved - though there's a lot of "jumping off" from the relevant categories. I know Dedeker, you said that you send it off to clients.,, Relationship anarchy versus polyamory versus monogamy, Common misconceptions about relationship anarchy, Spice up Your Day With Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner, The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships, 35 Relationship Goals for Couples & Tips to Achieve Them, 25 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions, 50+ Best Funny Marriage Advice: Finding Humor in Commitment, What Lies Do to a Marriage? I think having examples of how others do it I maybe understand myself better. Jase: On this episode of the Multiamory podcast, we're talking about the relationship anarchy Smrgsbord. Sometimes, we're just not great at that. Then I saw the quote and I was like "Wow, they put that really well." To me it feels simultaneously like a little bit sad because sometimes on the one hand it's like, "Well, it's like, we're so neglected by so many mainstream resources that it's we have to band together and like cobble together our own little resources to educate ourselves. Anarchists decide that love should not be defined by entitlements and hierarchies. How do you best communicate, and how frequently? That's the one that we're going to be talking about today. "Relationship anarchy questions the idea that love is a limited resource that can only be real if restricted to a couple." . Jase: I think there's supposed to be plates of delicacies that you can choose from on the Smrgsbord. This is why, anarchists follow relationship anarchy smorgasbord developed by a few anarchists and posted first on Reddit polyamory forum. Emily: Got it. The relationship anarchy Smorgasbord finds its origins in December 2016 by Lyrica Lawrence and Heather Orr in Vancouver polyamory. Relationship anarchy encourages communication between partners to decide for themselves how they want their relationship to function, without being restricted by society or labels, and customising the relationship to be compatible with our own values and needs. Now you do that for the next 30 days. This is about the original quote of being flexible with the commitments rather than walking on the path society lay for them.. Emily: Yes, we're going to talk deeper into that. That doesn't mean it's a failure of either of you, but just that this might not be at least the type of relationship you're thinking about having might not be a good option for the two of you. We're discussing its history and creation, its significance, and how you can use it in your relationships even if you don't identify as a relationship anarchist. Maybe that could be the whole focus of one discussion or one radar could just be, let's really look at the domestic one and really get what's a good fit for us living together, for example. You can still have these conversations on your own. Again, a tool like this can help clarify what these relationships mean for each individual. Most memorable characters of 2022: Sunday from The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare; Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol; Hamlet; Moby Dick; Aslan from The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. Maybe yes. . Jase: The other side of that is, and I was actually just talking with someone about this. Emily: Relationship anarchy principles, they recommend customizing relationships to the shape and the texture, the feel of what's right for all of the individuals involved. All of these assumptions tied up in what relationship may mean, taking all the stuff that we shove into the concept of romantic or sexual relationship and deconstructing that. Read More Podcast Multiamory November 15, 2022 monogamy , relationship anarchy , relationships , relationship styles , polyamory , monogamy anarchy That's an online sticky board where you can put up post-it notes and draw lines between them have your whole conspiracy theory board virtually, and you can collaborate with other people so both of you can be putting stickies and moving them around at the same time. 2) bondage . Now I would love to see how this would look like in your relationships? Discuss the definition of any terms that are not clear. My type of QPR probably looks a lot like a ma rried couple who are comfortable being around each other. Then it was a quote for me and I was like, "Oh, hell yes." Like we described earlier, the chart that we looked at the version that we have has little spaces for writing down notes in each category. Multiamory is created and produced by Jase Lindgren, Dedeker Winston, and me, Emily Matlack. Episode One: Intro to Relationship Anarchy. Jase: For those of you who are wondering about this word Smrgsbord, just as fun little trivia here. Jase: Can you imagine though, if you were given homework in school and the teacher was like, here's the homework feel free to do as much or as little of it as you think is helpful for you and if you want to change it, yes. It might just be an easy, "Okay, Yes. I'd like to just talk about some of the things that we see here, because many of them may not be a thing that's in your specific relationship, so let's dive in. What would be a good time for you?" There's little spaces to write below each section. On the one hand, maybe it is more of a sponsor or mentor-type relationship because in relationship anarchy, all relationships are relationships. It's not like you have to sit down and finish the test in 30 minutes kind of a situation. There are people out there who do think, friendship that strictly platonic, no physical interaction whatsoever, but another person might be comfortable with kissing or holding hands with their friends or being nude around their friends. Once you both are done, you both can compare your mutual requirements, and begin working on the ones that dont match. When viewed as a whole, the range of relationships from lifelong monogamous to the more radical forms of polyamory such as relationship anarchy, and everything in between, become difficult to pin down. We're discussing relationship anarchy: can it be practiced in monogamy or is it a contradiction of terms? is sin; in RA, the rules of being open to other partners are already set and engaging with other partners is not considered so. The currently shared version is version five, which is most easily recognized because of the gradient of gray circles behind the bubbles. They understand that their feelings and desires come first above all others, and then from there, theres a hierarchy over which matters next. The reason for having so many things on it is just so that you don't forget about stuff and maybe get some for perspectives on something that wouldn't even occur to you. Some sections that we don't think of in polyam circles very often but that get to the heart of this being an RA document intended for all relationships include Hierarchy/Power Differences (this category includes being Boss and Employee, or Mentor and Mentee); Collaboration; and the Labels section includes being Chosen Family and literal familial labels as well as colleagues and various possible romantic labels. It becomes really clear, I think for me, looking at this chart, becomes really clear about how our traditional labels of friend, romantic partner, acquaintance, and stranger, doesn't quite cut it. It seems like you can do whatever you want. It just means that there's communication around these organic changes happening. It says that people should continuously open up their feelings just like any other. According to anarchists, the idea of love being limited to a couple is questionable. There's a lot of creators that are actively changing the boards. Even as you drill down, you're customizing and in this example, it might be like, "Yes, we want to share a home, but I would actually rather have separate rooms.". Monogamy is still very much a part of society. How do we feel about being vulnerable, sharing love languages, needing to share our values, or our beliefs, physical intimacy which includes pets, massage, nudity, dancing, or includes, and notice that the physical intimacy is also separated from a different bubble that talks about the sexual realm. Underneath that is things like kissing, giving each other orgasms, involving our genitals, or body touch, or things like that. I thought I was going to be the only one. A quote from the Center for said, "The relationship Smrgsbord is meant for all types of relationships, platonic, familial, romantic, sexual, et cetera, and is indeed meant to challenge and make clear exactly what we mean when we are using those descriptors." Maybe we end up coming up with something like, "Okay, we're okay with physical intimacy. The document notes "remember you can't sneak anything into this without the other knowing or there will be conflict and disappointment later" as well as that expectations and agreements can always be changed by mutual agreement. Depending on the time and resources invested, they seek a structure in their connections related to family. Its called Relationship Anarchy or RA for short. So, dont be afraid to have your own definition and set your own boundaries and adventures. Really this is truly a customizable tool. Jase: I'm also a big fan of, especially if you're doing this remotely or even if you just want to keep a record of it that doesn't have to take up a whole wall of your house as it fell forward, or as sticky notes is online things like MRO is one of them MRO. Dedeker: That's really funny because when I saw it in Mind and Body I was like, "I think I'm quoted on an article in Mind and Body." You can make it work for you and whatever relationship you're are in or whatever configuration you want this to be useful for. Some people find that helpful. This might be something that's good to take a look at and fill out on your own, just to start getting a clearer picture in your own mind of where you stand on certain categories. That you're interacting with it, going through it together that you're, and it reminds me of some other quizzes and things for like identifying your sexual desires with a partner or something like that, where the point of it is about each of you picking what are the things where I'm like definitely a yes or definitely a no, seeing how those line up. This all came from M and they said, also that the board that we talked about today, it had a lot of community input from. It is also important to note that once you decide on what elements will be included in your relationship, that does not mean that it can never change. That's really interesting having a potential Smrgsbord talk with someone who's like a sponsor or a mentor or someone along those lines. Jase: It's a Swedish word comes from the word Smorgas, which means basically a sandwich. You can connect with Leah here . Holmbo. They also strongly recommended taking notes. Go nuts. Another quote from the Center for Growth is, "The idea of the RA Smrgsbord is that you have a Smrgsbord of different relational elements that can be included in different types of relationships and you and another person get to choose collaboratively exactly what you would like to include on your collective relationship platter.". Says color coding and highlighting are fun too you? to express your in! Qpr probably looks a lot like a sponsor or mentor-type relationship because relationship... You have to sit down and relationship anarchy smorgasbord the test in 30 minutes kind of a sponsor or mentor. Queerplatonic relationships, Queerplatonic partners, and me, it reminds me of some I. With something like, `` Okay, Yes, maybe, maybe,,! I saw the quote and I was going to be plates of delicacies that can... Maybe we end up coming up with something like, `` Oh hell! 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